Feb 21, 2012

What's an appropriate thank you?

I've talked - and talked and talked - about how humbled I was throughout Austin's deployment by the love and support that was poured over us. I've been silenced by the unexpected gifts, cards and flowers and I don't think I've ever felt more support than in 2011. But when the love and support came from my friends it was easy to think 'well maybe I've been a good friend to them too. Maybe I've been there in their times of weakness and need. Maybe I'll be there in the future. Maybe I'll pay it all back someday'.

But what do you do when you are overwhelmed by the gifts of appreciation you receive from virtually a stranger?

Austin's stepdad works in the oil business and he has a lot of vendors he contracts with. A couple of months into Austin's deployment Herb told me that one of the employees at one of the companies he contracts, who has also become a good friend to herb and Candace, had asked for Austin's address to send him care packages. Tony proceeded to send Austin 1-2 packages per MONTH for the rest of his deployment. Socks, candy, magazines, etc. A complete stranger. I was amazed. Being diligent and dedicated in sending packages isn't alway easy and certainly isn't cheap. I know he makes quite a bit more money than me but still - to sacrifice the time and money for a stranger amazed me.

Then when Austin's uncle passed away last fall I had the privilege to meet Tony. He showed up at the viewing and stayed the entire time - visiting with Herb and checking every so often to see if Candace needed a refill of water or a laugh or a hug. I was so happy to be able to shake his hand and thank him personally for the packages Austin had been receiving. I know Austin loved the packages William and I sent, but I also know it was motivating to know the support was from all around. So I thanked Tony over and over. He explained that he spent 10 years in the navy and appreciates anyone who is willing to give their time and lives for the service of our country.

Then he unexpectedly pulled out an iPad and showed me a picture of a multi-million dollar beach house in Galveston that is owned by his company. We're talking Galveston, not San Francisco, so multi-millions go a long, long way remember. He said the company rents it out or lends it to clients, but he would like to extend it to Austin and myself for however long we want when he gets home. I thanked him and said Austin and I would talk about him, assuming it would be dead in the water after the funeral.

But it wasn't.

In fact, a few short weeks after the funeral we received an email reminding us to pick dates for the beach house. The email included a link to a site where we could see pictures, and at the end Tony said 'my wife would love to stock the house up with groceries for you so please send us a grocery list before you arrive. Oh, and Austin attached is a picture of my mistress which I'm lending to you for your stay'. Attached was a picture of a beautiful Z06 Corvette. (which just happens to have always been both Austin and my dream car).


We were originally planning to go to Jamaica and knew we couldn't have 2 long vacations, so we talked a little about how to decide. We finally decided it was such an overwhelming and personal offer that we would almost feel rude declining, so we decided we will go to Jamaica some other time. God sure is smart isn't He? Now knowing we are moving that $4,000 is more useful being put towards the move rather than a private butler. (maybe)

But the point of all of this is to ask - how do you thank someone for that? Arranging for us to use his company's rental property is one sort of gesture but throwing in groceries from his wife (which I still feel very weird about) and offering his $70,000 vehicle to someone he has NEVER MET...all because he served our country...how do you thank someone?

Suggestions please because nothing I've thought of seems appropriate yet I'm do grateful.

And thanks again - I may say it forever - for your love and support this last year.

- manda


  1. WOW! That's is pretty amazing! But yeah a tough one...maybe leave them a nice basket filled with some of your favorite things (wines, dips, etc) - just a thought!

  2. I was also thinking a personalized card, something with a picture from your trip, would be great.

    When are you planning this trip. We don't want to crash, but it would be great to see you! Maybe we could meet up in Galveston. Let me know!
