I am blogging from my computer today, so that means that the pictures on my phone will not make it into this post. No fear - I will attempt to post a second William post just of pictures for you :)
With that disclaimer noted, let's move on!
I am sure you've been waiting patiently for 7 days to see how our pottyin' boy is doing. And I'm happy to report - he's doing great! Thursday and Friday he had 2 accidents during the day at school, but went potty every time it was offered. Saturday I was nervous about how we'd incorporate the potty into our busy plans for the day but it went well! We put him in a diaper for our drive up to San Francisco but when we got there and went to the restroom his diaper was still dry! He was scared of the public toilet though, so we opted for diapers while we were in the city. We still tried at the same time intervals, but I didn't want to push the public potty thing. Heck, who likes public potties anyway??? Sunday he kept his big boy underwear dry all day with just 2 dirty accidents, and he has now been dry through the night 3 nights in a row!!! Last night he told us he doesn't want night time diapers anymore, he wants pullups. (downside to daycare/preschool: they learn EVERYTHING you've tried to keep secret) So I promised him that we'll buy lightening mcqueen pullups next time we are at the store and until then he only has to wear diapers for bedtime. That worked last night, hopefully it's a good enough compromise tonight too.
Saturday morning before our trip to the city I had to go into work for a little while. That meant William and Dada had some boy time at the park. Boy time at the park means he gets to do more daring things that mommy would never approve of - and he loved it! He climbed all over the playground that I never take him to, and I think he did pretty well. He talked about it all day so I'd say he had fun! Then after I was done at work and we had all eaten lunch we drove up to San Francisco (very strategically timed for naptime) to celebrate Austin's birthday kid-style. Friday night we had a parents night out date, so Saturday was a William celebration. And he LOVED it! We went and parked near the Fisherman's Wharf and walked around the area. IT seems like it could be a lot of fun as long as you go during non-peak season. The amount of people in the small area was really unbelievable. We had planned to go there to eat dinner at the Rainforest cafe (remember the gorillas and how they're loud in the rain??? yup - William still loved it!) We scored the best table in the house - William was able to see the Gorillas, Elephants, Waterfall, starry sky, fish tanks, and butterflies. He was in a rainforest heaven. For dinner we ordered him chicken nuggets and fried shrimp and just told him it was nuggets. Either he was starving, the shrimp didn't taste like shrimp, or my baby likes shrimp! I can verify that the shrimp did VERY MUCH taste like shrimp, so I guess he just likes shrimp. Which is great! Will save him a lifetime of hearing "oh just try it, it doesn't even taste like shrimp..."
After dinner we just walked around some more, saw a bread factory making sourdough bread in animal shapes (mmmmm teddy bear bread) and saw an Alligator bread that weighed 50 pounds! Ah, love carbs. Once we could tell William was tired, and we were too, we headed back home. it was a fun little trip to the city though!
William's speech has really been fine-tuning lately. Now that his vocabulary is so profound he has been working on pronunciation. The exit off Hwy 1 to go to our house is Lightfighter, and when we see the sign WIlliam always says "that sign says lightfighter'. But what used to sound like "fi-fi-er" is now "lightfighter". Exact pronunciation. Just this week he has started to say complex words accurately and make letter/sound combinations I've never heard him make. So cool!!!
Along with pronunciation, I think he is starting to learn sarcasm and jokes. Austin and I have a stupid little back and forth banter we do, not sure where it came from, when the other one says something we don't like or somewhat condescending. For example, if Austin were to tell me, "You sure are driving like a grandma" I would reply "you're a grandma" and he'd say back "i'll show you a grandma!" It works for anything - and we say it all the time. We have said it a few times to William but telling a 2 year old "You're a marshmallow" doesn't really go over well. He'd get so mad! If he asked for a marshmallow and Austin replied with that he'd say, "No I WANT a marshmallow". The stupid little game made no sense to him, but he has since caught on. Yesterday Austin asked him if he wanted chicken nuggets for dinner and he said "I'll show you chicken nuggets!" uh oh..............
So, our pottyin' boy is learning to correctly annunciate and have sarcasm drip from his lips. And do you know what could be a deadly combination with all of that? Being a leader. And guess what? As much as you can measure leadership in toddlers, I'd say he's atop the charts. He is a little trendsetter in class and his teachers tell me all the time about things that he's started. Last week I talked to Ms Rebecca on the phone and she said, "I just have to know, who is toodles?" I just laughed as I tried to explain the character from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Toodles is a little creature in the shape if the classic Mickey head/ears. Whenever Mickey and his friends are having trouble solving a problem they call for Toodles who then brings them a tool to help them solve their problem. So, when they need help, they all call "oh TOODLES". I don't know why or how that became the key part of the cartoon for William, but he LOVES when Mickey calls for toodles and sometimes he may call for Toodles himself 20 times in a day. And he doesn't just quietly call him, he SCREAMS for toodles. So apparently not only does he have the other kids in his class calling toodles, but Ms Rebecca said the teachers can't help but do it too. Oh TOOOOOOODLES!
So, a leader who wears big boy underwear, has a sarcastic sense of humor, and is also the most handsome boy in the world...naturally he'd have girls flocking to him right?
One day last week when Austin picked him up from school his top two girls (currently) were both still there. He usually says bye to Erin and whoever else is still around, but apparently this time Kristin was still there and she ran over to William to hug him goodbye. Austin said you could instantly see wheels turning in Erin's head as she then, not to be overshadowed, walked over and hugged William too.
I believe I have the makings for a perfect storm right in front of me. But it's so fun to watch!!! This morning I looked at him as he was sleeping and I thought to myself, "it's hard to be sad at how fast time goes and how quickly he grows because every stage is just so much fun I don't even have time to grieve the stage that's gone!"
Give me 10 years, I'm sure.
Aug 29, 2012
Aug 28, 2012
He called me gracious
I can't remember if I have shared with the blog world that Melvin and I were in an accident 2 weeks ago. If not, there you have it! We got smashed. The #1 question on everyone's mind when I've told them is whether or not William was with me, so I'll start by letting you know he was not. I was on my daily trek from Salinas to Monterey to pick him up, so he was safely building magna-tile towers with Erin.
But not me!
We were driving along a highway with the sort of traffic where you go from 45 to 0 back up to 45 in about 30 seconds repeatedly. So the best driving advice someone could offer would be: keep your eyes alert on the road.
Well, apparently the person behind me didn't do that and after I had come to a complete stop with plenty of room in front of me he slammed into the back of Melvin.
SLAMMED. Either he was going 40 mph or Land Rovers are just beasts. Or maybe both! But it hurt. I saw him coming so I thought enough to turn my wheel an try to steer clear of the F250 in front of me. Had I not, I'd think Melvin would be in a scrapyard right now.
When I got out of my car I was greeted by the most frightened 18 year old boy I've ever seen. He was TERRIFIED. And so apologetic. He just couldn't believe it! He was so sorry! He doesn't even know what happened! He was so glad I was ok! He was so sorry! (all the ! To emphasize his reactions) He shared with me that he was off to college in a week and neither he or his mom have ever had an accident or a ticket and he hates that her insurance rates are going to sky rocket on top of college tuition...he went on and on. And he was such a nice boy!!! Unlike the other times I've been rear ended (# of times not to be disclosed) I did not shed a single tear. I felt too bad for him! How could I cry and make him feel worse?
At the end of our encounter he said 'well I am so sorry for this, it was great to meet such a gracious person' and we went out separate ways.
Well, I guess it's good that he is long gone to Wheaton college because I'm afraid my grace has run out.
I want my car back! Do you know that every morning for the last 7 work days I have climbed into my lame rental car and tried to push the non-existent button on the dash to start 'er up? And do you know that upon realizing I actually need KEYS for this dinosaur of a vehicle (slight exaggeration as it is newer than Melvin...) I instantly remember I have no idea where the keys are? I apparently have grown too accustomed to never physically holding car keys.
And do you know what else? There is no Bluetooth. The state of california believes cell phones in the hand are a distraction to drivers (psshhh) and it is illegal. So it's Bluetooth or nothin. Or you are like me and attempt
To use speakerphone and lean your head towards the arm rest to better hear the speaker over the road noise. Distraction? I think so. Just let me hold my phone! Or give me my car back.
And what about Sirius satellite radio? Radio here is lame-o. I need my music back.
And what about a sunroof?
And comfortable seats?
And a back-end that William can climb in and walk straight to his seat?
And side view mirrors that mechanically fold in for easy entry/exit in the garage?
Not to mention the hassle of receiving an insurance check yesterday for $4,000 less than the body shop told me it will cost.
I no longer believe Shreve (what kind of name is that anyway?) wasn't texting on his phone. I no longer think he's never been in an accident. I don't even know if he is now at college! Why do I now wonder if he lied? Eh, why not? I mean he likely was being truthful but it's way easier to get mad at a liar.
I guess on that one day I was gracious. Today I just want my car back.
- manda
But not me!
We were driving along a highway with the sort of traffic where you go from 45 to 0 back up to 45 in about 30 seconds repeatedly. So the best driving advice someone could offer would be: keep your eyes alert on the road.
Well, apparently the person behind me didn't do that and after I had come to a complete stop with plenty of room in front of me he slammed into the back of Melvin.
SLAMMED. Either he was going 40 mph or Land Rovers are just beasts. Or maybe both! But it hurt. I saw him coming so I thought enough to turn my wheel an try to steer clear of the F250 in front of me. Had I not, I'd think Melvin would be in a scrapyard right now.
When I got out of my car I was greeted by the most frightened 18 year old boy I've ever seen. He was TERRIFIED. And so apologetic. He just couldn't believe it! He was so sorry! He doesn't even know what happened! He was so glad I was ok! He was so sorry! (all the ! To emphasize his reactions) He shared with me that he was off to college in a week and neither he or his mom have ever had an accident or a ticket and he hates that her insurance rates are going to sky rocket on top of college tuition...he went on and on. And he was such a nice boy!!! Unlike the other times I've been rear ended (# of times not to be disclosed) I did not shed a single tear. I felt too bad for him! How could I cry and make him feel worse?
At the end of our encounter he said 'well I am so sorry for this, it was great to meet such a gracious person' and we went out separate ways.
Well, I guess it's good that he is long gone to Wheaton college because I'm afraid my grace has run out.
I want my car back! Do you know that every morning for the last 7 work days I have climbed into my lame rental car and tried to push the non-existent button on the dash to start 'er up? And do you know that upon realizing I actually need KEYS for this dinosaur of a vehicle (slight exaggeration as it is newer than Melvin...) I instantly remember I have no idea where the keys are? I apparently have grown too accustomed to never physically holding car keys.
And do you know what else? There is no Bluetooth. The state of california believes cell phones in the hand are a distraction to drivers (psshhh) and it is illegal. So it's Bluetooth or nothin. Or you are like me and attempt
To use speakerphone and lean your head towards the arm rest to better hear the speaker over the road noise. Distraction? I think so. Just let me hold my phone! Or give me my car back.
And what about Sirius satellite radio? Radio here is lame-o. I need my music back.
And what about a sunroof?
And comfortable seats?
And a back-end that William can climb in and walk straight to his seat?
And side view mirrors that mechanically fold in for easy entry/exit in the garage?
Not to mention the hassle of receiving an insurance check yesterday for $4,000 less than the body shop told me it will cost.
I no longer believe Shreve (what kind of name is that anyway?) wasn't texting on his phone. I no longer think he's never been in an accident. I don't even know if he is now at college! Why do I now wonder if he lied? Eh, why not? I mean he likely was being truthful but it's way easier to get mad at a liar.
I guess on that one day I was gracious. Today I just want my car back.
- manda
Aug 27, 2012
The short straw
You know how there's the classic picture of a dad sitting on a porch cleaning his shotgun coincidentally as his daughter's date shows up to pick her up? And you know that cute story of a guy trembling in his boots because he's about to meet a girl's dad and he might possibly rip the boy to shreds? And you know how there are a thousand songs about how dads loved their daughters first and no one is ever good enough for a man's baby girl and on and on and on?
And you know how everyone just universally smiles at this beautiful display of patriarchal protection and love?
How many times have you heard people sigh and grin at the sweet thought of a mother shoving recipes down the throats of her son's girlfriends? Or when she tells them how her son likes his socks folded? Or when she insists no one can care for her son when he's sick the way she can?
You've probably never smiled at the thought. Like me, you've probably cringed at it. I HAD those mothers-of-boyfriends. I've stubbornly fought back on how to fold clothes and make banana pudding and chicken casserole and just how to precisely fold a cold rag for a feverish forehead. I've rolled my eyes as I was told all of the little oddities about my boyfriends, thinking 'thanks, but no thanks. You're nuts'. never once did I think it was cute how over protective the mothers were.
And now I get it!
William's future wife very well may be greeted with a handbook. He's a particular creature with very definite likes and dislikes and he's strong willed and opinionated and needs his space sometimes and...and his future wife needs to know these things. I would mean it in the most loving of ways! Really I'd be helping her. Who will ever have better advice or guidance on how best to love my son than me???
But it will never be viewed that way. I'll just be that crazy mom. The one talked about over coffee. The one the girls pretends to like as her friends encourage her behind the scenes. The one William has to defend because despite my craziness he will love me more than his girlfriends will want him to. That'll be me. I already know.
Other than the one large instance of mothers having the joy of carrying our babies for 9 months, do dads EVER draw the short straw again? Cause once again, dads get to be cute and loving while doing the exact same thing that's makes mothers crazy and loathed.
But I promise I'll know better than William's silly little wife. You mark my words.
- manda
And you know how everyone just universally smiles at this beautiful display of patriarchal protection and love?
How many times have you heard people sigh and grin at the sweet thought of a mother shoving recipes down the throats of her son's girlfriends? Or when she tells them how her son likes his socks folded? Or when she insists no one can care for her son when he's sick the way she can?
You've probably never smiled at the thought. Like me, you've probably cringed at it. I HAD those mothers-of-boyfriends. I've stubbornly fought back on how to fold clothes and make banana pudding and chicken casserole and just how to precisely fold a cold rag for a feverish forehead. I've rolled my eyes as I was told all of the little oddities about my boyfriends, thinking 'thanks, but no thanks. You're nuts'. never once did I think it was cute how over protective the mothers were.
And now I get it!
William's future wife very well may be greeted with a handbook. He's a particular creature with very definite likes and dislikes and he's strong willed and opinionated and needs his space sometimes and...and his future wife needs to know these things. I would mean it in the most loving of ways! Really I'd be helping her. Who will ever have better advice or guidance on how best to love my son than me???
But it will never be viewed that way. I'll just be that crazy mom. The one talked about over coffee. The one the girls pretends to like as her friends encourage her behind the scenes. The one William has to defend because despite my craziness he will love me more than his girlfriends will want him to. That'll be me. I already know.
Other than the one large instance of mothers having the joy of carrying our babies for 9 months, do dads EVER draw the short straw again? Cause once again, dads get to be cute and loving while doing the exact same thing that's makes mothers crazy and loathed.
But I promise I'll know better than William's silly little wife. You mark my words.
- manda
Aug 22, 2012
William Wednesday
My week has been crazy busy at work. Not the craziest ever, but pretty busy. So I've been squeezing in some extra hours at the office and at home, which means I have less to report on William.
But I have news!
He's a potty-in' boy!!! A few weeks ago I think I mentioned that his teachers said he was doing great at school with the potty which was equally awesome and frustrating. Frustrating because he was adamantly against the potty at home. I began to think maybe our potty just scared him because of it's height (at school they have toddler size potties..,real potties just short) So Saturday Austin went with him to target to pick out his own big boy seat.
Well, it worked - but not for the reasons I had thought. He isn't afraid of the height - I know this because he wants his potty on TOP of the normal potty. So now he sits 3 feet off the ground. But...it works, so I'll go with it!!! For the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday he went potty excitedly every time we offered.
He is not yet to the point of telling us if he needs to go, and he still went in his diaper in between potty sessions, so on my weekly shopping trip I bought a new case of night time diapers and regular diapers.
Then yesterday we got this:

If its too small to read, I'll summarize: his teachers suggested underwear.
I called today to tell them I'm PERFECTLY HAPPY to supply underwear but wanted to be sure they thought he was ready. Cause at home he still isn't. But they insisted that he's had dry diapers all day all week!
So after dinner tonight when he successfully used the potty we offered him this:

Big boy undies!!! Spiderman!!! HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF A TODDLER! He wore the underwear and kept them dry for one hour, then it was bath time! Spiderman is still tinkle free!
I am packing lots of extra clothes tomorrow and I full except some wet reports, but we're excited!!!
And...can't blog about the potty without mentioning that every time he goes pee pee he gets a sticker and he gets to watch yaya's potty dance video.
The rewards stop one day right??? Cause I may have dreams of 'pee pee in the potty...pee pee in the potty...ALL DAY LONG'
But he loves it, and that's what counts :)
- manda
But I have news!
He's a potty-in' boy!!! A few weeks ago I think I mentioned that his teachers said he was doing great at school with the potty which was equally awesome and frustrating. Frustrating because he was adamantly against the potty at home. I began to think maybe our potty just scared him because of it's height (at school they have toddler size potties..,real potties just short) So Saturday Austin went with him to target to pick out his own big boy seat.
Well, it worked - but not for the reasons I had thought. He isn't afraid of the height - I know this because he wants his potty on TOP of the normal potty. So now he sits 3 feet off the ground. But...it works, so I'll go with it!!! For the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday he went potty excitedly every time we offered.
He is not yet to the point of telling us if he needs to go, and he still went in his diaper in between potty sessions, so on my weekly shopping trip I bought a new case of night time diapers and regular diapers.
Then yesterday we got this:

If its too small to read, I'll summarize: his teachers suggested underwear.
I called today to tell them I'm PERFECTLY HAPPY to supply underwear but wanted to be sure they thought he was ready. Cause at home he still isn't. But they insisted that he's had dry diapers all day all week!
So after dinner tonight when he successfully used the potty we offered him this:

Big boy undies!!! Spiderman!!! HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF A TODDLER! He wore the underwear and kept them dry for one hour, then it was bath time! Spiderman is still tinkle free!
I am packing lots of extra clothes tomorrow and I full except some wet reports, but we're excited!!!
And...can't blog about the potty without mentioning that every time he goes pee pee he gets a sticker and he gets to watch yaya's potty dance video.
The rewards stop one day right??? Cause I may have dreams of 'pee pee in the potty...pee pee in the potty...ALL DAY LONG'
But he loves it, and that's what counts :)
- manda
Aug 21, 2012
Fear of snakes?
Is a fear of snakes learned? Or is it part of Eve's punishment from Eden that it's just an innate fear? Where does it come from?
William woke up at 1am screaming bloody murder 'mommy mommy help me!' over and over. We ran in his room and he started screaming about snakes hurting him and was pointing all over his bed. We tried to calm him down and cuddle
With him and let him know that the snakes are all gone and he's ok, but he was nearly inconsolable. We offered to take him to our room for a change of scenery and he liked the idea but the first 3 times he was almost asleep he jolted up, again screaming about snakes. We finally got him back to sleep and took him back in his room, but we were both just surprised by it all.
Anytime he's been to a zoo with snake exhibits he has loved to look at them. Last Halloween he let big giant amazon type snakes slither in his lap and loved it. So where does the fear come from? We've never told him snakes bite, he's never seen a snake bite, so how did his brain dream of it?
His little mind amazes me, but this time I wish he just hadn't crossed over into the realization that snakes can hurt him. Poor bear :( I don't like for him to be so scared!!!
Any ideas on where it comes from? Or how to help it?!?
- manda
William woke up at 1am screaming bloody murder 'mommy mommy help me!' over and over. We ran in his room and he started screaming about snakes hurting him and was pointing all over his bed. We tried to calm him down and cuddle
With him and let him know that the snakes are all gone and he's ok, but he was nearly inconsolable. We offered to take him to our room for a change of scenery and he liked the idea but the first 3 times he was almost asleep he jolted up, again screaming about snakes. We finally got him back to sleep and took him back in his room, but we were both just surprised by it all.
Anytime he's been to a zoo with snake exhibits he has loved to look at them. Last Halloween he let big giant amazon type snakes slither in his lap and loved it. So where does the fear come from? We've never told him snakes bite, he's never seen a snake bite, so how did his brain dream of it?
His little mind amazes me, but this time I wish he just hadn't crossed over into the realization that snakes can hurt him. Poor bear :( I don't like for him to be so scared!!!
Any ideas on where it comes from? Or how to help it?!?
- manda
Aug 15, 2012
William Wednesday
William had an EXCITING week!!!
Last Thursday we both took the day 'off' together and went to San Jose to pick up Yaya and papa! The drive there was just long enough that the car put him to sleep 10 minutes before we arrived. So, my plans to go to target before the airport turned into explore San Jose before the airport. Oh well!
He was SO excited to see his Yaya and papa. Talked about it for weeks and almost broke federal law by crossing into the 'passengers only' section of the airport when he saw Yaya. He couldn't wait to hug her!
He had some over stimulation that afternoon - between the airport, showing off his new house, getting lots of presents from their suitcases, and showing them cannery row and the aquarium - he was run ragged. He loved showing them all the fishes, I think he's proud that he knows his way around the aquarium. It's very familiar to him.
Friday he went to school while the adults went on a not-whale watch tour. We dropped him off a hour later than I normally do which meant we went into his real classroom (I usually drop him off next door until his room opens) and it meant all his friends were already there. He HATED this change of routine. He glowed when he saw Erin but other than that he was very overwhelmed and let me know he did not want to be in that room. So, we walked back over to the other side and he sat down at his breakfast spot. Creatures of habit, kids are! He had to sit there and get his bearings but then he had a great day.
We were busy all weekend with relay and he loved every second of it. He loved being outside all day, running in the grass, driving baby jackl around, and playing in the tent. He also played baseball with Austin and me and he was really good! Austin tossed the ball from about 3-4 feet away and I helped William with the bat. I didn't aim or swing, just helped hold some of the weight. And he hit it straight on almost every time. I was so surprised! Pretty sure I still can't do that :)
He was devastated to have to go home that night instead of sleep in mommy dada's tent, but he slept good in his big bed. And was still exhausted all day Sunday!
Monday I had to go to work but I hear it was a rough transition leaving Yaya and papa at the airport. He was very sad. But, he's now looking forward to his next round of visitors in 2 weeks! This morning he asked to call and leave uncle Brandon a message and he told him he's excited to see him.
He won't be showing him how he climbs in the back of Melvin though...melvin is going to be out of commission for awhile. Sad day! But thankfully William was not in the car when Melvin got injured - William wouldn't have enjoyed that!!!
I am so thankful that even though we live so far away William knows and love his family so much! He is a blessed boy!
- manda
Last Thursday we both took the day 'off' together and went to San Jose to pick up Yaya and papa! The drive there was just long enough that the car put him to sleep 10 minutes before we arrived. So, my plans to go to target before the airport turned into explore San Jose before the airport. Oh well!
He was SO excited to see his Yaya and papa. Talked about it for weeks and almost broke federal law by crossing into the 'passengers only' section of the airport when he saw Yaya. He couldn't wait to hug her!
He had some over stimulation that afternoon - between the airport, showing off his new house, getting lots of presents from their suitcases, and showing them cannery row and the aquarium - he was run ragged. He loved showing them all the fishes, I think he's proud that he knows his way around the aquarium. It's very familiar to him.
Friday he went to school while the adults went on a not-whale watch tour. We dropped him off a hour later than I normally do which meant we went into his real classroom (I usually drop him off next door until his room opens) and it meant all his friends were already there. He HATED this change of routine. He glowed when he saw Erin but other than that he was very overwhelmed and let me know he did not want to be in that room. So, we walked back over to the other side and he sat down at his breakfast spot. Creatures of habit, kids are! He had to sit there and get his bearings but then he had a great day.
We were busy all weekend with relay and he loved every second of it. He loved being outside all day, running in the grass, driving baby jackl around, and playing in the tent. He also played baseball with Austin and me and he was really good! Austin tossed the ball from about 3-4 feet away and I helped William with the bat. I didn't aim or swing, just helped hold some of the weight. And he hit it straight on almost every time. I was so surprised! Pretty sure I still can't do that :)
He was devastated to have to go home that night instead of sleep in mommy dada's tent, but he slept good in his big bed. And was still exhausted all day Sunday!
Monday I had to go to work but I hear it was a rough transition leaving Yaya and papa at the airport. He was very sad. But, he's now looking forward to his next round of visitors in 2 weeks! This morning he asked to call and leave uncle Brandon a message and he told him he's excited to see him.
He won't be showing him how he climbs in the back of Melvin though...melvin is going to be out of commission for awhile. Sad day! But thankfully William was not in the car when Melvin got injured - William wouldn't have enjoyed that!!!
I am so thankful that even though we live so far away William knows and love his family so much! He is a blessed boy!
- manda
Aug 14, 2012
Lots of Things
There are lots of things I want to do...
That are not in the state of California. This is becoming a problem!
Last year I got spoiled because flights from Denver to Houston run every hour, cost about $200, take just over 2 hours, and I lived 20 minutes from the airport. In addition to all of the convenience, William could still fly for free. So - we were blessed in that we flew somewhere almost every other month the entire year. And we had a blast!
Problem is - I now live 1.5 hours from the airport. (well, I'm not counting the Monterey airport because to fly out of there you can add an additional layover PLUS at least $200 more per person) Not only do I live farther from the airport, but flights aren't direct and travel time takes about 6 hours at best. So if I need an hour to get to my gate (cutting it close), and 1.5 hours to drive, that means I have to leave my house at least 8.5 hours before I need to land in Houston versus in Denver when I left 4 hours before I'd land. A 'good deal' is around $250 but I've seen flights for over $500 too. And now instead of paying for one person I have to pay for either 2 or 3.
So last year I could leave work a little early on a Friday and pay $200 for a quick weekend getaway whereas now I have to take the day off work and spend between $500-$1,000 depending if I want to include my husband on these getaways.
Oh, and I technically am not supposed to use vacation until November 21.
So - there are a lot of barriers to travel. Which is becoming quite a thorn in my side because I want to...
Fly to Houston for Kelli's first birthday
Fly to North Dakota to meet kaila's baby
Fly to Houston to FINALLY get to have an organizing party at Alexis's(only 2 years in the dreaming phase)
Fly to Texas to go to an Aggie football game
Fly to Texas to work on wedding stuff for my not-by-blood family
Fly to Chicago to meet my 'cousin' who is already almost 5 months old
Fly to Colorado for Christmas(not optional)
Fly to Colorado for the texans vs broncos
Fly to Houston for Maizeanne's bridal shower
Fly to Houston for Maizeanne's wedding (not optional)
My 'not optional' trips are a starting point of $2500 for travel and a minimum of 5 vacation days.
If I went on all of these trips and only took Austin and William to the 2 listed above that'd be right around $5,000. And tell me what husband wants their wife to leave them 8 weekends between now and January? So, to be fair, realistically he'd have to come on at least half of these trips so you're now talking about $7500 minimum.
$10,000 would be more realistic.
$10,000 and we would not have gone on a single 'vacation'. Nor would we have been gone for longer than 4 days ever.
And this doesn't even cover all the friends and family we want to see just because we miss them. This just scratches the surface of major events. What about the people we just want to see? To visit with. To hug. Just because.
And this is the price we pay for the life we have chosen.
It isn't realistic to expect to go on 10 trips in 6 months. It isn't realistic to expect my job to LET me. And it isn't realistic to even think of blowing $10,000 in 6 months of airare.
It isn't realistic, but that doesn't change the fact that I really, really, really want to.
There are a lot of glamorous sides to this life, and I try to focus on them as much as possible. A life that has planted me in 2 of the most beautiful areas of our country. A life that has allowed me to meet some of the most amazing people. A life that serves others. It's a beautiful life. But it comes at a price, and sometimes I just can't ignore the cost.
I don't have $10,000 to spend or 15 vacation days to use (not to mention the energy) so the cost here is events missed. I may never see another Aggie football game live until I'm in my 40's. I may not get to go to my niece's birthday parties until she's too old to even want me there. I may not get to greet special bundles of joy and welcome them into this world, and I may not be able to physically share in every milestone and every celebration,
But I'm there. I promise my spirit and my heart are there. And when possible, when at all possible, I will be there too.
- manda
That are not in the state of California. This is becoming a problem!
Last year I got spoiled because flights from Denver to Houston run every hour, cost about $200, take just over 2 hours, and I lived 20 minutes from the airport. In addition to all of the convenience, William could still fly for free. So - we were blessed in that we flew somewhere almost every other month the entire year. And we had a blast!
Problem is - I now live 1.5 hours from the airport. (well, I'm not counting the Monterey airport because to fly out of there you can add an additional layover PLUS at least $200 more per person) Not only do I live farther from the airport, but flights aren't direct and travel time takes about 6 hours at best. So if I need an hour to get to my gate (cutting it close), and 1.5 hours to drive, that means I have to leave my house at least 8.5 hours before I need to land in Houston versus in Denver when I left 4 hours before I'd land. A 'good deal' is around $250 but I've seen flights for over $500 too. And now instead of paying for one person I have to pay for either 2 or 3.
So last year I could leave work a little early on a Friday and pay $200 for a quick weekend getaway whereas now I have to take the day off work and spend between $500-$1,000 depending if I want to include my husband on these getaways.
Oh, and I technically am not supposed to use vacation until November 21.
So - there are a lot of barriers to travel. Which is becoming quite a thorn in my side because I want to...
Fly to Houston for Kelli's first birthday
Fly to North Dakota to meet kaila's baby
Fly to Houston to FINALLY get to have an organizing party at Alexis's(only 2 years in the dreaming phase)
Fly to Texas to go to an Aggie football game
Fly to Texas to work on wedding stuff for my not-by-blood family
Fly to Chicago to meet my 'cousin' who is already almost 5 months old
Fly to Colorado for Christmas(not optional)
Fly to Colorado for the texans vs broncos
Fly to Houston for Maizeanne's bridal shower
Fly to Houston for Maizeanne's wedding (not optional)
My 'not optional' trips are a starting point of $2500 for travel and a minimum of 5 vacation days.
If I went on all of these trips and only took Austin and William to the 2 listed above that'd be right around $5,000. And tell me what husband wants their wife to leave them 8 weekends between now and January? So, to be fair, realistically he'd have to come on at least half of these trips so you're now talking about $7500 minimum.
$10,000 would be more realistic.
$10,000 and we would not have gone on a single 'vacation'. Nor would we have been gone for longer than 4 days ever.
And this doesn't even cover all the friends and family we want to see just because we miss them. This just scratches the surface of major events. What about the people we just want to see? To visit with. To hug. Just because.
And this is the price we pay for the life we have chosen.
It isn't realistic to expect to go on 10 trips in 6 months. It isn't realistic to expect my job to LET me. And it isn't realistic to even think of blowing $10,000 in 6 months of airare.
It isn't realistic, but that doesn't change the fact that I really, really, really want to.
There are a lot of glamorous sides to this life, and I try to focus on them as much as possible. A life that has planted me in 2 of the most beautiful areas of our country. A life that has allowed me to meet some of the most amazing people. A life that serves others. It's a beautiful life. But it comes at a price, and sometimes I just can't ignore the cost.
I don't have $10,000 to spend or 15 vacation days to use (not to mention the energy) so the cost here is events missed. I may never see another Aggie football game live until I'm in my 40's. I may not get to go to my niece's birthday parties until she's too old to even want me there. I may not get to greet special bundles of joy and welcome them into this world, and I may not be able to physically share in every milestone and every celebration,
But I'm there. I promise my spirit and my heart are there. And when possible, when at all possible, I will be there too.
- manda
Aug 10, 2012
Relay Friday
Well, it's here! What started out as one new ACS employee hoping for at least one community volunteer turned into 4 teams who have raised almost $8,000!!! We are anticipating between 50-100 people will stop by throughout the day to see what it's about and hopefully will boost interest in the growing event. But, if no one extra stops by, our 4 teams will be small and mighty and we will have a blast with our washers, lawn games, music, and grill-out. I am so excited, and SO thankful for your support.
I thought on this last relay Friday I would share with you the speech I am giving tomorrow night at the start of the luminaria ceremony. (yes, i know that word is spelled wrong - not sure why) And if you'd like to buy one in honor or memory of a loved one, they are $10 online or free if you've already given a donation. I'd be happy to decorate one for you!
So, my last Relay plug until next year...
Today has been a great day of celebration, and I have been honored to be a part of it. But unfortunately, the cause for celebration has come at a high cost. Cancer has taken so much from us, and this is a time for us to come together and grieve what we have lost.
Our losses are different. Some of us have lost time; time that would have been spent otherwise if it weren't for necessary cancer treatments and operations. Some of us have lost friends and coworkers; people we have loved dearly and who we have chosen to be a part of our every day lives. Some of us have lost siblings; people that we grew up with and who should have grown old by our sides. Some of us have lost parents; the people who are given to us at birth to guide us, shape us and lead us in our life's journey. And some of us have lost children, a loss which I have no words to describe. But no matter who it is that we are here to grieve, our loss is significant and our hearts are heavy. And although our experiences are different, we all share one hope: we all hope that our children, and their children, can live in a world where cancer does not surround them and lurk around every corner.
Each luminaria here tonight represents a life. A treasured life. They represent our family members, friends and loved ones, who's lives were forever altered, some cut short, by this devastating disease. As we are filled with sadness, we are here to remember them and to fight back in their honor.
As I share with you my personal motivation for being here tonight, I ask that you begin to illuminate the luminaria and join me in your own reflection of your loved ones.
When I was 9 years old I sat in a hospital room while my dad's doctor explained to our family that he had leukemia. At 9 years old the only two associations I had with cancer were hair loss and death, so in my mind I assumed my dad was going to suffer both. And soon. My heart was shattered and I could not begin to wrap my mind around the journey upon which we were going to embark. My childhood was cut short and my life was stamped forever. My dad suffered for 4 years, but in that time I can count on one hand the number of times I could tell he was suffering. His strength and resilience amazed me, even if it were all an attempt to protect the innocence of his three children. I watched him lose his hair and grow it back. I watched him celebrate remission and live through its relapse. I watched him live in isolation for 6 weeks with no human contact. I watched him lose his ability to walk. I watched so many things be stripped from him and while I am sure he suffered from humiliation and defeat, he seemed to rise above it and fight back with everything he had. He was the sick one, but I watched him comfort his friends and family through his illness. And it was his courage and strength that helped us try to stay strong as well.
After 4 years of fighting, my dad lost his battle with cancer. While my family has strong faith that he is living a life of comfort where cancer can not hurt hum, and even though it has been 14 years, not a day has gone by in my life when I haven't wished he were here. Thankfully, I am able to reflect upon his strength and courage and it continues to be my driving force in life.
This ceremony is an opportunity for me to remember my dad, Bill Blair, and for us all to remember and honor our loved ones. But it isn't just about grieving our loss. It is an opportunity for us to celebrate their lives and the lasting impressions they have left with us. It is our opportunity to join together and commit that we will not stop fighting until cancer has.
At this time, I'd like for you to join me in a silent lap around our track. As we silently walk together, I'd like for you to reflect upon your experiences and losses. Let your steps be for those who can't be with us, and let your presence be an honor to them. And as you focus on your loved ones, let it be a time to celebrate their lives and our ability to fight back for them.
I thought on this last relay Friday I would share with you the speech I am giving tomorrow night at the start of the luminaria ceremony. (yes, i know that word is spelled wrong - not sure why) And if you'd like to buy one in honor or memory of a loved one, they are $10 online or free if you've already given a donation. I'd be happy to decorate one for you!
So, my last Relay plug until next year...
Today has been a great day of celebration, and I have been honored to be a part of it. But unfortunately, the cause for celebration has come at a high cost. Cancer has taken so much from us, and this is a time for us to come together and grieve what we have lost.
Our losses are different. Some of us have lost time; time that would have been spent otherwise if it weren't for necessary cancer treatments and operations. Some of us have lost friends and coworkers; people we have loved dearly and who we have chosen to be a part of our every day lives. Some of us have lost siblings; people that we grew up with and who should have grown old by our sides. Some of us have lost parents; the people who are given to us at birth to guide us, shape us and lead us in our life's journey. And some of us have lost children, a loss which I have no words to describe. But no matter who it is that we are here to grieve, our loss is significant and our hearts are heavy. And although our experiences are different, we all share one hope: we all hope that our children, and their children, can live in a world where cancer does not surround them and lurk around every corner.
Each luminaria here tonight represents a life. A treasured life. They represent our family members, friends and loved ones, who's lives were forever altered, some cut short, by this devastating disease. As we are filled with sadness, we are here to remember them and to fight back in their honor.
As I share with you my personal motivation for being here tonight, I ask that you begin to illuminate the luminaria and join me in your own reflection of your loved ones.
When I was 9 years old I sat in a hospital room while my dad's doctor explained to our family that he had leukemia. At 9 years old the only two associations I had with cancer were hair loss and death, so in my mind I assumed my dad was going to suffer both. And soon. My heart was shattered and I could not begin to wrap my mind around the journey upon which we were going to embark. My childhood was cut short and my life was stamped forever. My dad suffered for 4 years, but in that time I can count on one hand the number of times I could tell he was suffering. His strength and resilience amazed me, even if it were all an attempt to protect the innocence of his three children. I watched him lose his hair and grow it back. I watched him celebrate remission and live through its relapse. I watched him live in isolation for 6 weeks with no human contact. I watched him lose his ability to walk. I watched so many things be stripped from him and while I am sure he suffered from humiliation and defeat, he seemed to rise above it and fight back with everything he had. He was the sick one, but I watched him comfort his friends and family through his illness. And it was his courage and strength that helped us try to stay strong as well.
After 4 years of fighting, my dad lost his battle with cancer. While my family has strong faith that he is living a life of comfort where cancer can not hurt hum, and even though it has been 14 years, not a day has gone by in my life when I haven't wished he were here. Thankfully, I am able to reflect upon his strength and courage and it continues to be my driving force in life.
This ceremony is an opportunity for me to remember my dad, Bill Blair, and for us all to remember and honor our loved ones. But it isn't just about grieving our loss. It is an opportunity for us to celebrate their lives and the lasting impressions they have left with us. It is our opportunity to join together and commit that we will not stop fighting until cancer has.
At this time, I'd like for you to join me in a silent lap around our track. As we silently walk together, I'd like for you to reflect upon your experiences and losses. Let your steps be for those who can't be with us, and let your presence be an honor to them. And as you focus on your loved ones, let it be a time to celebrate their lives and our ability to fight back for them.
Aug 8, 2012
Hello world
I apparently haven't written in a week. I've written in my head, if that's any consolation. I've written about my laundry room, William's room, my speech at the relay, and of course William. I guess you'll just have to bear with me and be patient to actually read the words my head has already dictated.
We bought a new computer this weekend though, so maybe that will entice me more to write at home. It stares beautifully at me as I walk upstairs so maybe it'll lure me to my desk.
As for William - I don't even think I have a lot of updates there! What HAVE I been doing???
This weekend we went by home depot so Austin could get a new saw blade and the last piece of wood for my laundry basket dresser. Turns out they were having a kid craft day so while dada shopped William and I built a bulletin board. I'd share pictures but they're on Austin's phone and (rudely) haven't been sent to me. I beamed with pride and Austin referred to the bulletin board as 'an eye sore'...so apparently mommy's lenses are rose colored. Oh well :)
What else did we do...
Oh yeah! William owned the apple store. We went to look at computers and William BOLTED to the back of the store where there is a 'kids table' with 4 iPads loaded with kid games. Marketing, marketing, marketing. And how did he know where we even were??? Yikes. He owned it though! And showed me new games to download. So it was a win win.
Saturday we spent most of the day around the house, this little grin was on one of our quick outings to the store. Do you see that look in his eyes? The wonder and amazement and admiration and love? That's how he looks at dada. It's precious.

Austin has been urging his mom to buy a recordable book for William for awhile. We have one that he recorded before his deployment and one that Yaya and papa recorded for his first Christmas and he LOVES them. So we wanted one from Cici and pop too. Well, pop wasn't patient enough so it's just a Cici book but that's ok. William loves it! It's a Happy Feet book (the penguin movie???) and it has a cute little story. William lights up. Nighttime for the last 4 nights has included 3 recorded books, though, so my reading job has been cut down to 1.

And guess what? He can read the word CARS. I know it's just memorization and not reading but that's a start right? If he sees the word he says 'C A R S cars!' he also loves for me to spell out other words for him so I know the wheels are turning up there.
We've been frustrated with the potty process because he knows when he has to go and often tells us, but REFUSES to use the potty. Then yesterday his note at school said 'William is doing GREAT staying dry all day and going peepee on the potty'. Wait, what??? I talked to ms Barbara and she said its not uncommon that he'd be interested at school with his friends and not at home. She recommended I just leave it for now but remind him when he's 3 there are no more diapers and he gets cars big boy undies.
But MAN I wanted it done before 3.
Oh well, at least it's safe to say I won't have 2 babies in diapers like I always assumed I would. God's plans were different but, as always, better!
I think that's about all I have...I've been preoccupied with relay and house cleaning and work - sorry for my lack of dedication here. I'll reassess my priorities for sure :)
And just because I love this picture, here's one more for the road.

Holding his 'special blankie' as he calls it...the quilt I made him :)
- manda
We bought a new computer this weekend though, so maybe that will entice me more to write at home. It stares beautifully at me as I walk upstairs so maybe it'll lure me to my desk.
As for William - I don't even think I have a lot of updates there! What HAVE I been doing???
This weekend we went by home depot so Austin could get a new saw blade and the last piece of wood for my laundry basket dresser. Turns out they were having a kid craft day so while dada shopped William and I built a bulletin board. I'd share pictures but they're on Austin's phone and (rudely) haven't been sent to me. I beamed with pride and Austin referred to the bulletin board as 'an eye sore'...so apparently mommy's lenses are rose colored. Oh well :)
What else did we do...
Oh yeah! William owned the apple store. We went to look at computers and William BOLTED to the back of the store where there is a 'kids table' with 4 iPads loaded with kid games. Marketing, marketing, marketing. And how did he know where we even were??? Yikes. He owned it though! And showed me new games to download. So it was a win win.
Saturday we spent most of the day around the house, this little grin was on one of our quick outings to the store. Do you see that look in his eyes? The wonder and amazement and admiration and love? That's how he looks at dada. It's precious.

Austin has been urging his mom to buy a recordable book for William for awhile. We have one that he recorded before his deployment and one that Yaya and papa recorded for his first Christmas and he LOVES them. So we wanted one from Cici and pop too. Well, pop wasn't patient enough so it's just a Cici book but that's ok. William loves it! It's a Happy Feet book (the penguin movie???) and it has a cute little story. William lights up. Nighttime for the last 4 nights has included 3 recorded books, though, so my reading job has been cut down to 1.

And guess what? He can read the word CARS. I know it's just memorization and not reading but that's a start right? If he sees the word he says 'C A R S cars!' he also loves for me to spell out other words for him so I know the wheels are turning up there.
We've been frustrated with the potty process because he knows when he has to go and often tells us, but REFUSES to use the potty. Then yesterday his note at school said 'William is doing GREAT staying dry all day and going peepee on the potty'. Wait, what??? I talked to ms Barbara and she said its not uncommon that he'd be interested at school with his friends and not at home. She recommended I just leave it for now but remind him when he's 3 there are no more diapers and he gets cars big boy undies.
But MAN I wanted it done before 3.
Oh well, at least it's safe to say I won't have 2 babies in diapers like I always assumed I would. God's plans were different but, as always, better!
I think that's about all I have...I've been preoccupied with relay and house cleaning and work - sorry for my lack of dedication here. I'll reassess my priorities for sure :)
And just because I love this picture, here's one more for the road.

Holding his 'special blankie' as he calls it...the quilt I made him :)
- manda
Aug 1, 2012
Well well well
Let's jump right to it. Wanna hear (read) William's biggest sentence to date?
"I want my two blankies inside in my room on my biiiiiiig bed"
Well, ok then!
This week he also successfully (and authoritatively...apple doesn't fall far does it?) directed me out of our neighborhood and to the highway. "turn left, go straight, turn left, turn right, turn left, go on BIIIIIIG BRIDDDDDGE!'
He's officially smarter than me because if I'm being honest I messed up those directions twice just typing this.
He is developing his friendships more and more and it's so fun to hear him talk about his friends. His best friend at the moment is Erin. I don't see her much but if she's ever still there when I pick him up, the two of them are ALWAYS building towers with magnatiles. And they play so well together! They share and they help and they smile and they...well they just adore each other.
When I pick him up from school I usually have one or two toy cars in my hand that he had carried with him in the morning. Once he learned I'd have these cars (a month or so ago) he no longer ran to give me a hug - he ran to get his cars! Well, his little friends have caught on and they, too, now run to greet the cars. Austin says I'm the 'cool mom' but it sure seems more like the invisible mom to me! Just kidding, you know I love it!!! One day last week when I brought his newest car Erin was still at school and he was SO PROUD...beyond proud...to show his car to her. He puffed up his chest, wore the cheesiest grin and said 'look Erin!!!' she said 'wooooow' with a look of amazement and he said 'you can hold it'. He never offers for axle or Collin to hold his cars, but errrrrrrrin can! (I'm practicing my teasing mommy tone. How'd I do?)
He's also started using his fingers to display numbers. He has known how to do one and two for awhile but Monday night he showed me 3, 4, and 5! It took a lot of concentration and was pretty slow but he was pretty pleased with the accomplishment.
This weekend dada had a field training exercise(FTX - so I can quit typing out all the words now) so we didn't see him from 4am Friday until 7pm
Saturday. We missed him, but we know a thing or two about having fun in our little duet! We played a lot, he helped me (unsuccessfully) solicit relay donations, and then we went to the aquarium. I gave him the option of seeing fish or playing at the museum - dumb question mom!
He loves it more every time we go I think. We caught a 20 minute demo/presentation about an albatross which I personally found a little Boring after 5 minutes. But he sat and paid attention to the whole thing! Then he gave me this pose at the kelp forest:

I could stare at it for hours. Or days! Or maybe I already have...
From watching him play cars with dada to spending one on one time together to tucking him in after he's fallen asleep - my days are filled with more joy as each new day passes. I don't know how life could possibly get any better.
- manda
"I want my two blankies inside in my room on my biiiiiiig bed"
Well, ok then!
This week he also successfully (and authoritatively...apple doesn't fall far does it?) directed me out of our neighborhood and to the highway. "turn left, go straight, turn left, turn right, turn left, go on BIIIIIIG BRIDDDDDGE!'
He's officially smarter than me because if I'm being honest I messed up those directions twice just typing this.
He is developing his friendships more and more and it's so fun to hear him talk about his friends. His best friend at the moment is Erin. I don't see her much but if she's ever still there when I pick him up, the two of them are ALWAYS building towers with magnatiles. And they play so well together! They share and they help and they smile and they...well they just adore each other.
When I pick him up from school I usually have one or two toy cars in my hand that he had carried with him in the morning. Once he learned I'd have these cars (a month or so ago) he no longer ran to give me a hug - he ran to get his cars! Well, his little friends have caught on and they, too, now run to greet the cars. Austin says I'm the 'cool mom' but it sure seems more like the invisible mom to me! Just kidding, you know I love it!!! One day last week when I brought his newest car Erin was still at school and he was SO PROUD...beyond proud...to show his car to her. He puffed up his chest, wore the cheesiest grin and said 'look Erin!!!' she said 'wooooow' with a look of amazement and he said 'you can hold it'. He never offers for axle or Collin to hold his cars, but errrrrrrrin can! (I'm practicing my teasing mommy tone. How'd I do?)
He's also started using his fingers to display numbers. He has known how to do one and two for awhile but Monday night he showed me 3, 4, and 5! It took a lot of concentration and was pretty slow but he was pretty pleased with the accomplishment.
This weekend dada had a field training exercise(FTX - so I can quit typing out all the words now) so we didn't see him from 4am Friday until 7pm
Saturday. We missed him, but we know a thing or two about having fun in our little duet! We played a lot, he helped me (unsuccessfully) solicit relay donations, and then we went to the aquarium. I gave him the option of seeing fish or playing at the museum - dumb question mom!
He loves it more every time we go I think. We caught a 20 minute demo/presentation about an albatross which I personally found a little Boring after 5 minutes. But he sat and paid attention to the whole thing! Then he gave me this pose at the kelp forest:

I could stare at it for hours. Or days! Or maybe I already have...
From watching him play cars with dada to spending one on one time together to tucking him in after he's fallen asleep - my days are filled with more joy as each new day passes. I don't know how life could possibly get any better.
- manda
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