"I want my two blankies inside in my room on my biiiiiiig bed"
Well, ok then!
This week he also successfully (and authoritatively...apple doesn't fall far does it?) directed me out of our neighborhood and to the highway. "turn left, go straight, turn left, turn right, turn left, go on BIIIIIIG BRIDDDDDGE!'
He's officially smarter than me because if I'm being honest I messed up those directions twice just typing this.
He is developing his friendships more and more and it's so fun to hear him talk about his friends. His best friend at the moment is Erin. I don't see her much but if she's ever still there when I pick him up, the two of them are ALWAYS building towers with magnatiles. And they play so well together! They share and they help and they smile and they...well they just adore each other.
When I pick him up from school I usually have one or two toy cars in my hand that he had carried with him in the morning. Once he learned I'd have these cars (a month or so ago) he no longer ran to give me a hug - he ran to get his cars! Well, his little friends have caught on and they, too, now run to greet the cars. Austin says I'm the 'cool mom' but it sure seems more like the invisible mom to me! Just kidding, you know I love it!!! One day last week when I brought his newest car Erin was still at school and he was SO PROUD...beyond proud...to show his car to her. He puffed up his chest, wore the cheesiest grin and said 'look Erin!!!' she said 'wooooow' with a look of amazement and he said 'you can hold it'. He never offers for axle or Collin to hold his cars, but errrrrrrrin can! (I'm practicing my teasing mommy tone. How'd I do?)
He's also started using his fingers to display numbers. He has known how to do one and two for awhile but Monday night he showed me 3, 4, and 5! It took a lot of concentration and was pretty slow but he was pretty pleased with the accomplishment.
This weekend dada had a field training exercise(FTX - so I can quit typing out all the words now) so we didn't see him from 4am Friday until 7pm
Saturday. We missed him, but we know a thing or two about having fun in our little duet! We played a lot, he helped me (unsuccessfully) solicit relay donations, and then we went to the aquarium. I gave him the option of seeing fish or playing at the museum - dumb question mom!
He loves it more every time we go I think. We caught a 20 minute demo/presentation about an albatross which I personally found a little Boring after 5 minutes. But he sat and paid attention to the whole thing! Then he gave me this pose at the kelp forest:

I could stare at it for hours. Or days! Or maybe I already have...
From watching him play cars with dada to spending one on one time together to tucking him in after he's fallen asleep - my days are filled with more joy as each new day passes. I don't know how life could possibly get any better.
- manda
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