We bought a new computer this weekend though, so maybe that will entice me more to write at home. It stares beautifully at me as I walk upstairs so maybe it'll lure me to my desk.
As for William - I don't even think I have a lot of updates there! What HAVE I been doing???
This weekend we went by home depot so Austin could get a new saw blade and the last piece of wood for my laundry basket dresser. Turns out they were having a kid craft day so while dada shopped William and I built a bulletin board. I'd share pictures but they're on Austin's phone and (rudely) haven't been sent to me. I beamed with pride and Austin referred to the bulletin board as 'an eye sore'...so apparently mommy's lenses are rose colored. Oh well :)
What else did we do...
Oh yeah! William owned the apple store. We went to look at computers and William BOLTED to the back of the store where there is a 'kids table' with 4 iPads loaded with kid games. Marketing, marketing, marketing. And how did he know where we even were??? Yikes. He owned it though! And showed me new games to download. So it was a win win.
Saturday we spent most of the day around the house, this little grin was on one of our quick outings to the store. Do you see that look in his eyes? The wonder and amazement and admiration and love? That's how he looks at dada. It's precious.

Austin has been urging his mom to buy a recordable book for William for awhile. We have one that he recorded before his deployment and one that Yaya and papa recorded for his first Christmas and he LOVES them. So we wanted one from Cici and pop too. Well, pop wasn't patient enough so it's just a Cici book but that's ok. William loves it! It's a Happy Feet book (the penguin movie???) and it has a cute little story. William lights up. Nighttime for the last 4 nights has included 3 recorded books, though, so my reading job has been cut down to 1.

And guess what? He can read the word CARS. I know it's just memorization and not reading but that's a start right? If he sees the word he says 'C A R S cars!' he also loves for me to spell out other words for him so I know the wheels are turning up there.
We've been frustrated with the potty process because he knows when he has to go and often tells us, but REFUSES to use the potty. Then yesterday his note at school said 'William is doing GREAT staying dry all day and going peepee on the potty'. Wait, what??? I talked to ms Barbara and she said its not uncommon that he'd be interested at school with his friends and not at home. She recommended I just leave it for now but remind him when he's 3 there are no more diapers and he gets cars big boy undies.
But MAN I wanted it done before 3.
Oh well, at least it's safe to say I won't have 2 babies in diapers like I always assumed I would. God's plans were different but, as always, better!
I think that's about all I have...I've been preoccupied with relay and house cleaning and work - sorry for my lack of dedication here. I'll reassess my priorities for sure :)
And just because I love this picture, here's one more for the road.

Holding his 'special blankie' as he calls it...the quilt I made him :)
- manda
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