Aug 28, 2012

He called me gracious

I can't remember if I have shared with the blog world that Melvin and I were in an accident 2 weeks ago. If not, there you have it! We got smashed. The #1 question on everyone's mind when I've told them is whether or not William was with me, so I'll start by letting you know he was not. I was on my daily trek from Salinas to Monterey to pick him up, so he was safely building magna-tile towers with Erin.

But not me!

We were driving along a highway with the sort of traffic where you go from 45 to 0 back up to 45 in about 30 seconds repeatedly. So the best driving advice someone could offer would be: keep your eyes alert on the road.

Well, apparently the person behind me didn't do that and after I had come to a complete stop with plenty of room in front of me he slammed into the back of Melvin.

SLAMMED. Either he was going 40 mph or Land Rovers are just beasts. Or maybe both! But it hurt. I saw him coming so I thought enough to turn my wheel an try to steer clear of the F250 in front of me. Had I not, I'd think Melvin would be in a scrapyard right now.

When I got out of my car I was greeted by the most frightened 18 year old boy I've ever seen. He was TERRIFIED. And so apologetic. He just couldn't believe it! He was so sorry! He doesn't even know what happened! He was so glad I was ok! He was so sorry! (all the ! To emphasize his reactions) He shared with me that he was off to college in a week and neither he or his mom have ever had an accident or a ticket and he hates that her insurance rates are going to sky rocket on top of college tuition...he went on and on. And he was such a nice boy!!! Unlike the other times I've been rear ended (# of times not to be disclosed) I did not shed a single tear. I felt too bad for him! How could I cry and make him feel worse?

At the end of our encounter he said 'well I am so sorry for this, it was great to meet such a gracious person' and we went out separate ways.

Well, I guess it's good that he is long gone to Wheaton college because I'm afraid my grace has run out.

I want my car back! Do you know that every morning for the last 7 work days I have climbed into my lame rental car and tried to push the non-existent button on the dash to start 'er up? And do you know that upon realizing I actually need KEYS for this dinosaur of a vehicle (slight exaggeration as it is newer than Melvin...) I instantly remember I have no idea where the keys are? I apparently have grown too accustomed to never physically holding car keys.

And do you know what else? There is no Bluetooth. The state of california believes cell phones in the hand are a distraction to drivers (psshhh) and it is illegal. So it's Bluetooth or nothin. Or you are like me and attempt
To use speakerphone and lean your head towards the arm rest to better hear the speaker over the road noise. Distraction? I think so. Just let me hold my phone! Or give me my car back.

And what about Sirius satellite radio? Radio here is lame-o. I need my music back.

And what about a sunroof?

And comfortable seats?

And a back-end that William can climb in and walk straight to his seat?

And side view mirrors that mechanically fold in for easy entry/exit in the garage?

Not to mention the hassle of receiving an insurance check yesterday for $4,000 less than the body shop told me it will cost.

I no longer believe Shreve (what kind of name is that anyway?) wasn't texting on his phone. I no longer think he's never been in an accident. I don't even know if he is now at college! Why do I now wonder if he lied? Eh, why not? I mean he likely was being truthful but it's way easier to get mad at a liar.

I guess on that one day I was gracious. Today I just want my car back.

- manda

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