But I have news!
He's a potty-in' boy!!! A few weeks ago I think I mentioned that his teachers said he was doing great at school with the potty which was equally awesome and frustrating. Frustrating because he was adamantly against the potty at home. I began to think maybe our potty just scared him because of it's height (at school they have toddler size potties..,real potties just short) So Saturday Austin went with him to target to pick out his own big boy seat.
Well, it worked - but not for the reasons I had thought. He isn't afraid of the height - I know this because he wants his potty on TOP of the normal potty. So now he sits 3 feet off the ground. But...it works, so I'll go with it!!! For the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday he went potty excitedly every time we offered.
He is not yet to the point of telling us if he needs to go, and he still went in his diaper in between potty sessions, so on my weekly shopping trip I bought a new case of night time diapers and regular diapers.
Then yesterday we got this:

If its too small to read, I'll summarize: his teachers suggested underwear.
I called today to tell them I'm PERFECTLY HAPPY to supply underwear but wanted to be sure they thought he was ready. Cause at home he still isn't. But they insisted that he's had dry diapers all day all week!
So after dinner tonight when he successfully used the potty we offered him this:

Big boy undies!!! Spiderman!!! HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF A TODDLER! He wore the underwear and kept them dry for one hour, then it was bath time! Spiderman is still tinkle free!
I am packing lots of extra clothes tomorrow and I full except some wet reports, but we're excited!!!
And...can't blog about the potty without mentioning that every time he goes pee pee he gets a sticker and he gets to watch yaya's potty dance video.
The rewards stop one day right??? Cause I may have dreams of 'pee pee in the potty...pee pee in the potty...ALL DAY LONG'
But he loves it, and that's what counts :)
- manda
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