Sep 26, 2012

William Wednesday

I wish I could have video cameras on at all times just so that I don't ever miss the funny things William says/does.  For instance...

Yesterday on the way home William started whining about the buckle of his car seat being in his neck.  He got this phrase a few weeks ago when somehow the straps were tightened all the way and I couldn't buckle it at all because the buckle was literally in his neck.  I said "oh no, the buckle is in your neck!" and ever since he seems to think his buckle is in his neck and  therefore needs to be undone.  Wish I could take that back - but that's not the funny part.  So he was complaining about it and I said
"William, the buckle is not in your neck it is on your chest right where it should be.  I can't undo it because then I'd get in trouble from the police officer for not keeping you safe.  It's my job to keep you safe"'

He had no reply but I knew the wheels were turning.  About 10 minutes later he broke the silence:
Mommy, I need to see the police officer.
Why William?
My bottom doesn't feel better, you maybe get in trouble.

WHAT?!?!  I have no idea what was wrong with his bottom but apparently the authorities needed to be notified.

He also must be tired of me telling him that his clothing choices don't match because this morning when I was picking out his clothes he said "mommy your shirt doesn't match your dress".  Annnnd now I'm self concious all day!  Thanks sweet boy.

He just comes up with these random ideas all the time and they keep me laughing.  I need to find a way to remember them all. 

Did I share the night he grabbed our hands at dinner and told us we were eating as a family and it was time to pray?  Talk about melt a mama's heart! 

He and Nancy have gotten even closer the past couple of weeks, if that was even possible.  She started sleeping in bed with him which he loves.  One night last week I climbed into his bed after he was settled and he said "Watch out for Nancy mommy".  I must have bumped her a little and she made a little squeak and he patted her head saying, "It's ok Nancy, I'm sorry Nancy".  Now that he better understands how to be gentle with her and how to understand her cues she loves him more than before.  Having pets is a big cleaning-hassle but I wouldn't trade it for anything when I see how much he loves her!

Over the weekend we counted all of the money in William's piggie banks (he has 4...) and he had $150.  We set $20 aside and the rest is for his college fund.  We told him he could buy whatever he wanted with his $20.  We offered to go to Ross (you know, every 2 year old's favorite store, right? or is it just mine?)Target, the book store, the blue man store (best buy, i.e. the place you buy movies) and he said "no mommy, the BIIIIIG toy store".  Well, I don't know of a BIIIIG one but I know of one at the mall where Uncle Brandon bought him a motorcycle and, sure enough, that's where he wanted to go.  He had fun playing with different toys and going back and forth on which to buy.  In the end it was a $7 car that caught his attention and he proudly gave his $20 to the cashier and took his car.  I almost felt like a cheap parent by only offering $20 to him out of the entire $150, and I was a little self concious that we don't let him have enough...but he was just as happy with that $7 car as he would have been with anything else.  He loves it!  So, I'll let his college fund flourish while $7 is still enough to please him.  Cause not too far down the road I hear, "mommy I maybe need an iPad".  Yikes.

We've spent the last 2 Sunday afternoons at a neighbor's house watching football while William and their son play.  It is interesting to watch them learn how to interact with each other.  William, who has been surrounded by kids his entire life and is very accustomed to having toys taken from him, had to learn what it was like to be around a kid who doesn't understand yet that he can't take EVERY toy away.  He's so used to kids who know the particualr rules his school has set, he isn't used to any other form of interaction.  And their son hasn't spent much time with other kids at all so he has had to learn about sharing and interactive play and so forth.  It was a struggle on both sides but at the end of our time there this week they had a BLAST tearing apart the train tracks together.  It was the first stretch of 10 mintues when they played together, one common goal, without fighting over toys.  (with just a LITTLE parental help along the way)

And - last but not least - I think I'd say he's about 90% potty trained!  Most nights he keeps his pull up dry, I'd say maybe 2 nights a week it's wet.  Most days his only accidents are dirty which I am proud of but also hate the most (duh!).  But he's almost there 100% and it was definitely a pretty painless process.

I guess that's about all.  No more "new words of the week" or specific details of development.  Now it's the sentences and conversations he comes up with that provide my amazement and those are a lot harder to document! I'm trying though.  He's just an amazing little boy all around.  I'll take very little credit for that, but with the little credit I do give myself I'll feel free to boast endlessly.  He's the best!

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