So, I've felt like we needed to make some progress in the oh-so-important nursery. Babies need more than just love and care, after all. Ok - so it's not THAT dire, but it is one of the most fun parts of pregnancy for me -- a new closet to organize, a room to clean out and's all music to my ears.
Now with Christmas behind us and our dog sitting days over (I've purposely refrained from talking about that...) this weekend we decided to make some progress.
We previously had a pretty nice guest room set up. Critics informed me the bed was great, drawer and closet space was a plus and all we needed was a TV. Well, that's gonna have to wait because we had to get rid of the comfy bed to prepare for the baby. A couple of months ago some people at church were hosting a garage sale to benefit a mission trip to Africa, and a couple from our D group was in need of a bed. So - we sold our guest bed to them and gave the money to the mission trip garage sale. It was pretty efficient! That left us with a somewhat empty room...if you consider all of the junk that had been hiding under the bed and occupying the closet now sitting in the middle of the room 'empty'. How do we accumulate so much crap?? Guess that's for another day.
Saturday Austin got in our garage rafters (translation: our storage area) and got down William's crib. The Craig's list steal is paying off dividends now! And with the eager help of big brother Austin got the crib set up.
Oh - and someone thinks the crib is quite entertaining
I sorted through the stuff to determine what belongs in the room (diapers, clothes, gifts baby has received), what belongs somewhere TBD (very well may be the top of the closet), and what belongs at goodwill. After I did that the room had some space to breathe.
We really didn't like giving up our guest room. We LOVE that we have so many people who spend their precious vacation time and money to come visit us and we really enjoy being able to host them in our home. But, unless God had granted us twins, we knew we weren't going to be moving into a 4 bedroom house so we didn't have much of a choice there. But, with the bedrooms being of decent size we realized we didn't have to give it up entirely. We saw a couch at Costco that would fit the space perfectly and could convert into a bed very easily. (So easily William had already done it 10 times) it's fairly comfortable to lay on, and in the event it's not comfortable enough I'm pretty sure there's a big brother who would gladly trade rooms with the guests :) so once my sorting project was done we made our way to Costco to grab the couch before they changed their inventory.

So - now we have 2 nightstands to repurpose, a couple of storage bins to find new homes for, and some baby stuff ready to be organized. The curtains will come down, the corner ladder will likely go, and there's a box of stuff ready to find its way to goodwill. I'd say we had a productive weekend and I almost feel like we are on track now.
Now to just find out the gender...then the real nursery fun can begin!
P.S. William tried to sneak out of his room last night to go sleep on Archie's couch. He was pretty disappointed when we caught him! More on the nickname Archie another day.
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