Sep 18, 2009

Conflicted Title

I'm conflicted here on where I should start; I had my blogs for the entire week mapped out in my head and Wednesday's blog was to be "I can sew?!?!" My stomach had other plans and Tuesday night around 11 I came down with a stomach virus. So now, do I ignore the stomach virus and just move on with "I can sew?!?!" or combine them both into one? Or skip them both entirely and move on to the more important blogs that were supposed to be written this week - tough choices!

I'll go with the combination.

First...I'll bore you with the details of the nasty stomach bug that invaded my house Tuesday night. I had been asleep for probably an hour or so when I woke up in the middle of a dream about Peyton and Eli Manning's week 1 statistics to a rumbling in my tummy - wasn't even sure I'd make it into the bathroom. I made sure to lock the door behind me on my rush in, though, because generally Reagan will follow me into the bathroom and if I've shut him out, he takes it upon himself to open the door. Not exactly the time I'd like for him to barge in on me. I was surprised to find, when I came back out, that neither Reagan or Austin had been disturbed in the slightest bit. Both were still sound asleep, Austin snoring and Reagan sprawled out across as much of the bed as he could possibly cover. I thought it was odd, but felt much better so I didn't think it was any reason to wake Austin up. When I woke up 45 minutes later in the middle of a dream about Tom Brady's stats, though, I thought maybe I should see what Austin thought. This went on about every 45 minutes, each time interrupting a dream about a different NFL player's stats for the week, until 4 am when I finally called my mom. Austin had told me to call the doctor when they opened at 8, but my mom wanted me to call the on-call doctor for the night because she was concerned about dehydration at that point. I obliged, and the doctor agreed with much concern - she said I needed to go to the ER as soon as I could and that they'd be in touch with her.

We got there about 5:00 and it was EMPTY. Not one single patient. I've never seen an ER like that - not that I've seen many ERs, but it was still odd. I didn't mind though, because it got me into a bed much quicker than we thought I would be. Before I became "the patient in room 11" I had to sit on a bench and have my blood the time I thought he was just giving me an IV, but later learned he had first taken 4 vials of blood which would explain why I was so light headed and queasy as I answered the other nurse's ridiculous questions. We had already established that I was 17 weeks pregnant, yet we still had to go over whether or not I drank or smoked. really? yes - really. Once I got into my room, had my last attack of the bug, and got my hospital gown on we settled in with 2 bags of saline dripping into my arm. Austin and I had tried our hardest not to talk about the obvious thing that was filling our minds - how is our baby? - and we were VERY relieved when within minutes of starting saline the nurse came by with a device to read William's heart rate. His heart was beating strong, and once we heard that I think ours quit racing.

About an hour into our stay, before any test results had come back but after I had received anti-nausea medicine that worked like a charm, Austin had to leave. yes, you read that right, he had to LEAVE. He was supposed to report at 6:30 for his FTX and had been unable to get anyone on the phone all morning, so he had to go into work to at least see if he still needed to go to the FTX or not. Turned out that yes, he in fact was VERY much needed at the FTX and I would need to call for another ride home. After he was gone the nurse proceeded to ask me why we weren't reenlisting, which I guess Austin had communicated to her earlier at some point. I just looked at her. I said, "Well, for starters, his pregnant wife is in the ER right now and he's at work because there aren't enough people licensed to drive down to Colorado Springs"

Shortly thereafter my test results came in and I needed magnesium to replace what I had lost through the night. So 2 quick magnesium bags and one more saline bag later I was ready to go. My boss was kind enough to pick me up and drive me home before she went into work for the day, and Rick was kind enough later to pick me up on his lunch break and take me to Target to get my medicine, some crackers, and some powerade. I took the medicine every 8 hours until yesterday afternoon, and I powered through 2 powerades and 1.5 sleeves of saltines too. Neither one ever tasted so good.

I attempted to go to work yesterday, but at 11:30 realized it was not the best idea and I went home. My medicine was wearing off so the queasiness was setting back in, but more so than that I think my body still just needed more rest. I slept for about 4 more hours before I woke up FINALLY feeling 100%. Well - not quite 100% because I was STARVING. I love when the feeling of starvation sets in after having a stomach bug because you know, then, that you are better. What a relief! I had to run and get pet food at Walmart, which just so happens to be next to Babies-r-Us, so I made a quick stop in there for William's window valance...and first pair of shoes...and the CUTEST little outfit for him to wear next football season that says "little line backer". I know its a little early for NEXT year's clothes, but Austin played linebacker so I just couldn't resist. He'll love it :) (Austin more so than William...)

And now I've done it...exactly what I knew I'd do...I've made my stomach bug such a blog-event that I don't have time to write any more. I just get so carried away! So, I guess you'll have to wait until Monday to know more about my new-found (yet unrefined) talent. Have a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Amanda, I'm sorry you had to go through all that!! The ER is no fun esp with a baby in the oven! I wish I lived closer so I could have helped you...but I'm glad you're feeling better! Hope you get LOTS of rest this weekend!! Take care of you & William :) can't wait to see the room when it's done!
