I have turned in my heels, for the most part, and have replaced them with flats. My feet are currently in mourning.
In high school my friends used to marvel at my Barbie feet. (that is the only part of my body that looks like Barbie, so I'll brag if I want to) I think its because I have high arches, I'm not really sure, but my feet are arched like Barbie's so heels have always been more comfortable than flats. I do wear flip flops for the ease of running out the door quickly, but generally I'm in heels most of the time. I don't ever wear tennis shoes unless I'm exercising, which Layla has learned so now she thinks my tennis shoes are a sign that she's going on a walk. Poor girl! Anyhow, I'm digressing a bit.
My barbie feet are no longer stable in heels. Maybe its the feet, maybe its the legs, or maybe its my entire body. According to my email last week from pregnancycenter, it is common for pregnant women to lose their equilibrium as their organs shift and change to make room for the baby. That made me feel better about the not-so-graceful fall I had taken the day before in the middle of the PX hallway :) I've stumbled a lot, but that was my only fall. I skinned my knees and the tops of my feet (?????) on the tile, but other than that I wasn't hurt. Austin, however, did not like the sound of that and determined that this weekend we'd be shopping for flats for me to wear for the next 5 months. He also ordered me to wear snow shoes to work in the winter and change once I get to my cube. Ok ok Mr Bossy Pants.
I found a pair of black flats for the wedding (slightly dressier than the pair I've worn out over the last year) and a pair of brown flats for work. They are cute, but they aren't heels...they just don't have the pizazz. So you better believe that in about 6 months (giving myself some recovery time here) you'll see my wearing my cutest heels and drinking a margarita. Possibly on my back porch, I don't really care. :) A the sacrifices moms make!
Yesterday after I got home from work Austin finished my desk! I've been talking about this desk forever, I was beginning to think it was actually just a mirage in the desert and it would never come to be. But, after a little bit of hounding and nagging and pushing on my part (all out of love I assure you) my desk is done! So, while he spent the rest of the afternoon/evening catching up on some NCAA 2010 on PS3 I spent my afternoon/evening cleaning/organizing/decorating the office!!!

The picture is a little dark, I took it with my phone late at night so the lighting isn't great, but here it is. I do have more pictures on my camera, but somewhere in the chord-plugging-in process our internet router decided to quit. So, until we fix that I can't load the pictures onto the computer. At least I think its the router - that's really not my specialty. I like when I turn the computer on and can get on the internet, working for it is too much. This room was our catch-all/office/storage/craft room (aka the crap room) and it was always the armpit of the house. Worst part is - its the first room you see when you walk in the front door! I painted it while Austin was in Arizona and have just been impatiently waiting ever since. The left side of the desk is for scrapbooking and the right side is for the computer/printer/bills. We just happened to have 2 spare kitchen table chairs that are usually just wasting space - and they match pretty well - so the room is now complete. Now I can get back to work on all those crafts I was talking about...in a prettier environment :) All the nagging aside, Austin did a pretty good job on the desk and he is sweet enough to spoil me and make me whatever I ask for...I should just let him make it on his own time I guess.
And that's what's happening in the Wallis house! Tomorrow we'll be headed to the vet, then the OB, then the airport to hop on a plane to fly to HOUSTON! So, I doubt I'll be on here for a few days...sorry to disappoint. But next time I write I will be able to talk about the beautiful wedding, the cowboys' stadium...and our BABY's gender. I'll make sure its well worth the wait, I promise. Until then - hope you have a great weekend :)
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