Sep 14, 2009

What's in a Name?

Some people really believe that a baby's name can predict or define who the baby becomes as a person. I think a lot of things shape us into who we are, but I'm not sure if I think our names have any part in it. My dad wrote me a letter when I was in junior high telling me how proud of me he was, how I've grown to be an amazing, loving, and admirable person and that when they had given me the names Amanda (which means "worthy of love") and Loving he hadn't realized how accurate the description would be. I think my parents and close family friends had more influence on who I became, but its fun to think about how a name could really shape a person.

Austin and I struggled a lot on girl names, and we will probably struggle until the day we have a daughter. But a boys' name was never an issue. When we were first dating Austin and I talked about why I had broken up with him in the past, about my dad, and about other misc issues from 10 years ago. One thing he brought up was the example my dad had set for him on how to be a good man, a good husband, and a good father (all of which he never saw in his own home) and how he had always wanted to name a son William for that reason. Worked out perfectly for me, because I'd always wanted to name a son after my dad also. I know Austin also wanted a son to be Austin Jr, so I was never sure how the decision would be made on what our first son's name would be, but shortly after we found out we were pregnant Austin said "I think our first son should be William Timothy. So if this one is a boy, that's what we should name him" Decision made!

I've seen a couple variations on the meaning of the name William. I've seen "strong protector", "will defend" and "resolute guardian". I think about my dad and all he did for his family, how much he protected our innocence as best he could and how he tried to protect us from the evils of the world. Maybe the meaning of a name does have some semblance in who the person becomes after all, and, if so, I'd be proud to have my son live up to that name.

Besides my dad, there is the "cool" aspect of the name, which boys like more than girls, in the fact that it is the Scottish "hero" William Wallace (as depicted by Mel Gibson in Braveheart, for those ladies out there who have never seen it) Maybe one day we'll have to take our William to Scotland to see the memorial. Though that William had no influence on our name choice, I have to admit it does add an element of studliness to the name :)

Wednesday's doctor appointment was a lot of fun. The ultrasound technician had quite a difficult time getting William to "reveal" himself (shy little guy) so we spent about 20 minutes poking my stomach, drinking apple juice, doing little jigs to try to get him moving...and finally he decided to move. Before William cooperated, Missy, the technician who I absolutely love, said "I hate to tell you this guys, but its generally the little girls that have trouble showing me what they are..." We had told her we were pulling for a boy, but when she said that we both said "oh that's fine we're happy no matter what" Then about 10 minutes later all was known, and we were so ecstatic just to finally know. I would say that "we couldn't have been more excited" but honestly, I think we would have been equally excited had Missy announced it was a girl - we're just excited for what is to come. We've retired the name "jelly belly" and now refer to our growing baby as he is...William :) It brings a smile to my face every time I say it.

During the 25 minute wait for William's cooperation, Missy kept switching views on the ultrasound machine so we could see everything in different ways. She can't print off a 3D picture for us unless either we or our insurance pays for it, but she let Austin take a picture with our camera. So, before I go on, let me introduce you to William Timothy Wallis, in a bashful state...

This weekend Austin will be at a Field Training Exercise, from Wednesday to Sunday, down in Colorado Springs so William and I have big plans for his nursery. We are going to buy a piece of the bedroom collection at Babies-r-Us and take it to Home Depot to pick out paint! Then Kaila is having an UppercaseLiving party on Saturday (if you don't know what it is, check it out at where I will buy a sticker for William's room. I'll probably begin taping off the room, and then next weekend Austin and I will get to work on replacing the purple walls with blue!

William got lots of presents this weekend. Mimi gave him a Cowboys pacifier, which is perfectly fitting for his name, and Laura gave him a red coat to keep his little body warm next winter! My mom gave Austin and William matching Texans t-shirts...William's is a size 4T but I can guarantee Austin will have that baby wearing that shirt well before he's 4 years old :) Granny bought 2 t-shirts when she was in town with Candace- one I particularly like which says "My mom is HOT" :) And Alexis gave William's mom a "baby survival guide" which he will surely benefit from!
We had a WONDERFUL trip to Texas, one that went too fast during which we didn't see nearly as many people as we had hoped, but wonderful nonetheless. I could write all day about all the fun we had, but I should probably be focused on tax returns that have to be filed by tomorrow. So, here's a preview of what you have to look forward to in the days to come:
Jerry Jones is ALL Sparkle
I can sew?!?!
William's First Song
I cried like a baby
Happy corporate tax day tomorrow!!! I know you'll all be celebrating it too :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back & so glad you had a wonderful time in Texas! And YAY for a baby boy!! :)
