May 24, 2010

Daycare Anxiety?

I had a horrible dream last night and no matter how many times I woke myself up, when I'd fall back to sleep I was right back in the middle of the dream. It was awful! I hadn't thought about why I was dreaming that, I was more just disturbed by the dream itself, but when I told people at work Rich said he thought maybe it was daycare anxieties? Your thoughts?

You'll need to know a few key players in the dream so let my introduce them first. Paula is my direct manager, Dana is her supervisor and who I report to more, and Rich is Dana's peer. Shawna is in the financial reporting department and she is on the senior accountant level. She had a baby boy 9 days after I had William, so we got to know each other throughout the pregnancies. Now, onto the dream!

I got to work in the morning when Dana and Paula let me know they needed to see me down in the basement. When we got into the basement they took me into this small area in the corner and showed me the scariest sight: they had killed Rich! They were telling me so that I could help them cover it up. They had wrapped him in plastic to suffocate him and they wanted me to pretend he was still working. The purpose of killing him was because Western Union was going to open an in-house day care for the children of employees, but Rich's daughter Catherine had taken the last summer spot and Paula had wanted that spot for her daughter Taylor. So why not kill Rich? Made sense to them! I was to do Rich's work and pretend Rich had done it, if anyone asked. I was also supposed to document exactly where Rich's body was located in our 2nd quarter provision file. A problem presented itself, though, when I was going over the 2nd quarter provision with the financial reporting department and they saw the instructions to Rich's body!

I covered it up as fast as possible and hoped they hadn't seen it. Just in case they had, I ran out and warned Paula and Dana to run away until the situation had died down a little bit. The financial reporting director had seen enough of the paper to assume I had killed RIch, so he called the police. The police were questioning me but I had already destroyed the document so there was no proof of anything. Dana and Paula were quick to throw me under the buss, though, and told the police that I had, in fact, killed Rich and left directions to his body in the provision file. Then I was told I was in trouble for breaking our Sarbanes-Oxley processes by shredding the document along with the murder charges! Meanwhile, Paula caught wind that Shawna was trying to fill the last spot with her baby Owen. Paula let Shawna know that she had killed Rich over daycare and was willing to kill her too.

There are a lot of insignificant details I'm leaving out here - the dream did last all night after all - but this was the basic premise. I don't THINK I'm apprehensive about taking William to daycare next week. When my mom was here we went to Goddard one day so she could see it and I was even more comfortable with it than I was before. William liked watching all the other little babies (except Diego...I think William's gonna take him out) and he really liked his teacher the first time she looked at him. She's the "baby whisperer" I think! So I FEEL like I'm more comfortable, but maybe subconsciously I'm not?

In any case, one week from tomorrow William becomes a big boy and goes to school!

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