May 5, 2010

Whiny Butt

I debated titling this post "whiny baby" but then I figured you would all assume I was talking about William, and I'm not. I'm talking about me. I realize that I am throwing a major pity party here, so consider this your official invitation. If you don't want to come, please don't feel obligated. Just click the little red "x" at the top right hand corner of your screen (or the little bitty red circle at the top left hand side for the rest of you mac-lovers out there) But, if you want to have sympathy for me, or just have a good laugh at my ridiculous complaints, read on!

People like me. They do, I can't help it. Alexis used to get so frustrated in high school because she said adults just liked me and I didn't have to do anything. She'd try and try to make friends' or boyfriends' parents like her, but generally they just liked me more. I'm sorry, I don't do it on purpose. I credit it to my ability to hide my "nasty" side until people know me too well to dislike me. Before I know people very well I refrain from too much gossip, don't cuss, I am polite, can attempt to carry on a one-on-one conversation with people, I inquire as to how other people are doing...I don't know, I just figured out one day how to be "liked". Teachers always loved me (with the mean, mean except of Mrs. Gonzales...grrrrrr), parents liked me...........lets face it, I am just a likable kind of girl. So when someone weird comes along who doesn't like me I don't know how to swallow it. The VP of compliance here at Western Union is one of those people.

I think at some point I must have done something to piss Kathy off. She hasn't always disliked me, but I can't pinpoint exactly when it started. I do know that the last time she said one word to me was in January when I was put on bed rest and she had to come to my house to pick up my laptop. She didn't say "hi" when I answered the door and she didn't say "bye" when she left. All the said was "I hope everything gets better". I was back at work for 2 days in February and had a baby shower here at the office. She didn't say anything either of those days and she didn't even say "you're welcome" when I thanked her for William's presents. She isn't the biggest social butterfly to begin with, but she did at least talk to other people. Not me!

I have now been back for a week and she hasn't acknowledged my presence. Yesterday she stopped by my coworker's cube to see how she was feeling because she had been out sick on Monday, but she still did not say anything to me. I'm not sure what I did to make her so angry, but I sure wish I knew...and I hope it was something good!

My coworkers say that I am better off for it because she is so moody and weird. But I just can't shake it. Maybe I'm being a baby and just think everyone should like me. Can you think of why someone shouldn't? (you better be saying no) But in all honesty, I don't expect EVERYONE to like me - not everyone is as wise as you are - but be professional. She is the VP of my section of the department, how about we grow up and put our big girl panties on. If you dislike me, fine. But can't you be adult enough to dislike me behind closed doors?

As I'm writing this my mind is seeing the parallels between Kathy and Mrs Gonzales. They look similar, their hair is similar, they are both a little quirky, neither are very social...I'm not sure what this means, but its an odd revelation. I didn't have an answer to Mrs Gonzales' disdain for me, so it was a good thing that you only have teachers for one hour a day in high school and you move on after 9 months. Unfortunately I work for Kathy 8 hours a day, and it won't be a short 9 months. Doesn't make me any more excited about leaving William every morning, but it does make me that much more excited to go home to him every night!

I guess I'm done whining for now. Someone doesn't like me. Blah blah blah. I guess if I think Kathy needs to put her big girl panties on and get over whatever I did to her, I should put mine on too. Consider it done.

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