Jan 23, 2013

William Wednesday

Well, he did it.  I challenged his potty skills and clearly he's smarter than me.  He went 6 days  in a row with NO accidents.  So, Monday after school we went straight to Target to get him a new train.  I told his teacher that I hadn't expected him to go 6 days in a row, and I'm going to be increasing the number of days he has to be accident free to earn a new prize.  She said, "Hey, new train is worth it right?  Whatever works".

Hmm, says the person who is not buying a new train every 6 days.

His current chart has 10 boxes for happy faces, and he earned one today.  He ALMOST had one yesterday but had an accident after dinner so, we're down one day.  Hopefully after this chart and maybe one more (15 days???) we can wean him off the charts again but I think rejuvenating his excitement did the trick.

In all seriousness, the potty trend was pretty closely in line with his heartache for Oh Gosh and other family members in Texas.  So, I didn't mind getting him excited again and buying him a new toy.  He had a rough week or two after we settled back in at home and really missed family.  Not JUST Oh Gosh, but ESPECIALLY Oh Gosh.  Aside from Elmo for a short while, Thomas, and Mater I've never seen anything light up his world the way oh gosh does. It warms my heart and breaks it all at the same time.

His behavior at school had taken a hit a little during his oh-gosh-sickness too, but I'm happy to say he's back to his normal, happy self.  His teachers have written lots of great notes over the last week.  One day they said he wrote his name.  Wrote his name????  I've never seen him write a LETTER much less his NAME!  I've helped him write his name plenty of times (signing cards, making artwork, etc) but I always thought I was doing most of the work.  Maybe I was wrong!  They also said he loves to tell them stories about things we do at home.  Good thing we don't do bad things at home huh???  

He's VERY excited for our upcoming trip to Texas.  We are flying down there for Maizeanne's wedding in which William will be the ring bearer.  We will only be there for a couple of days and it'll be a wedding whirlwind...it'll be one of those amazing weekends that are so jam packed you don't even know when your head hits the pillow.  When it's all done I'm sure the 3 of us will all be sleeping soundly on an airplane wondering where the time went.  But it'll be a wonderful ride!  

When we get home I might need a prozac or  margarita because not  only will I be exhausted, but I'll officially have a three year old and I won't know what to do with myself.  Where has the time gone?  Really.  I'm not just saying that.  I want to know.  How did it go so fast?  How is he already so big?  And when will I stop looking at him and think that very thing?  

All in all, the "terrible 2's" really weren't too terrible.  Actually, not terrible at all.  William can throw a fit with the best of them, but they were few enough to forget...or forget most anyway.  And the amazing points far out-shined the low points of the year.  I just hope one year from now I can say the same thing for the tumultuous 3's (which everyone says are worse...I'm up for the challenge)

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