Jun 20, 2013

One adventure to the next

This was written after Memorial Day - no idea why it never posted 

The Wallis family had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend together. Friday I took the day off work to pick Austin up at the airport at 10:30. We had lunch and went on a tour of a vineyard before we went and got William after his naptime. His class has outside time from 3:30-4:30 so we went out onto their playground to get him. He was riding a tricycle around the little circle and when he saw Austin he flung the tricycle away and ran into his arms. It was such a happy greeting. He hugged him so tightly and laid his head on Austin's shoulder for a few minutes. He was so incredibly happy to have dada home.

The increase in his confidence and assurance is just as apparent as it was when Austin got home from Afghanistan. If I didn't already know it, it's further evidence that a young child needs both of his parents. It's a balance he couldn't have otherwise.

Saturday after I worked out and Austin took William to breakfast we all went up to the Capitola boardwalk for the day. It is in/near Santa Cruz, about half an hour up the bay from our house. The weather is slightly warmer and sunnier there than on seaside and it was a gorgeous day. We had lunch, played on the beach, went on a walk and had some delicious cupcakes before heading home.

We liked it so much we're debating renting a house there for Christmas! Our Christmas plans just got more complicated. 

Sunday we went to church in the morning and then William got to go pick out some new pet fish. Austin and William have been working on getting this fish tank for months. Apparently around January William started asking for one so Austin has been trying to use it as a manipulative tool to coerce William into listening and keeping his pants clean. It finally worked, but even if it hadn't I'm pretty sure Austin had his heart set on getting a fish tank this weekend regardless.

He said he needed 3 fish - one for him, one for dada and one for mommy. He picked 2 black fish named Donald and goofy, and his fish is a Mickey fish named Mickey. Look at its tail - it really is a Mickey fish!

He loves to feed the fish and watch them eat their food. He really seems to thrive with responsibility.

Naturally Monday came all too soon and we headed up to San Jose for a haircut, lunch and an afternoon at their children's museum before saying goodbye.

It was hard to say bye but we switched gears fast. The old bait and switch trick - works every time. Now it's on to Houston! Time for William to meet his newest cousin. 

But Did he HAVE to be born in MAY? Wish me luck - this Monterey weather has spoiled my blood.

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