Aug 16, 2013

It's time!!!

Are you as ready for my last relay Friday as I am?! Maybe for different reasons - but I am SO ready. I'm excited and stressed and anxious - just ready for relay to get here!

The last few weeks have been a complete blur. Between traveling and doctor appointments and running a half marathon and trying desperately to stay afloat at work, my head is spinning. No matter what I've been doing over the last few weeks, relay has been the only thing staying at the forefront of my mind. 

I really had no clue the amount of work that would go into planning relay this year. Last year was so simple - because it was so tiny and on short notice and uneventful. But as we've worked to build this into a real relay its taken a lot more time than I thought. Which is fine - it's great actually, it just consumes me. But you know how I love bossing people around and making plans and organizing events? I get to do it all!

God bless my husband in that regard - we had this conversation last night:
Me: I'm so glad we have this family tie around relay.
Austin: me too, it's really special. And I know how much you love being the coordinator!
Me: yeah...sometimes I notice myself start bossing you around and I try to hold back.
Austin: yeah, I can tell you're trying...
Me: sometimes I notice your resistance and realize maybe I'm going too far.
Austin, with a sweet smile and a back rub: yeah. You tend to do that's but I love you anyway 

Austin had this week off of work which wasn't intentionally planned for relay but God had clearly been in control of that. We wouldn't be nearly ready if he had been at work! He's been a relay slave all week with logistics and equipment and site prep, etc. it's been such a blessing to have him off work.

So - wanna hear our amazing update??? I'm dying to share! We have 17 teams and almost 300 participants! This coming from 3 real teams and about 50 participants last year. Annnnnnd...we are $49 away from breaking $24,000!!!! I can not even believe it. We are anticipating making maybe $5,000 on site, so we could realistically push $30K! I thought I was aiming high when my goal was $20,000...boy was I wrong!

Do you want to be the one to push us over $24? Or keep it rolling? Every dollar helps - and really, if anyone wants to donate $3.44 to get us to a round number you might just be my favorite person ever :) (we have $23,951.56 right now)

I can't wait to share pictures and stories and a final update after relay is over. Please pray for us this weekend - pray for our weather and safety and all of our participants. We are so excited to be doing this and couldn't have gotten there without our support system :)

One last case you missed it before

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