Oct 2, 2014

William Wednesday on Thursday

Been awhile huh? While I've been juggling and driving and working and cleaning, rarely sleeping, William has been doing one thing: GROWING.

I thought bnd grew fast as a baby...and then a toddler...and then I thought he grew fat as I watched my toddler turn into a 'kid' (still feels soooo weird to call him that!) but, I was not prepared for how fast he'd grow while my head would be turned with a baby. It's like I went in for a c section and came out with a kid ready for college!

Or kindergarten. Because this time next year he will be all settled into a kindergarten routine. And I feel like he's already ready. How did this happen??

The biggest thing that has happened with William lately has been his reading. I am going to go out on a limb and guess I didn't blog about the day he read me my text message, but one day we were getting ready for our day and he said 'mommy, dada said I hope the boys are good for you this morning'

'You talked to dada?'
'Ok...when did he say that?'
'Oh he sent you a message on your phone'

Silence. He can read???? WHAT?

Since then his reading has just exploded. He doesn't like to sit and read if it's something we suggest, but randomly he just reads things. I'll over hear him reading a book to Charles, or he will ask me what street signs and billboards mean. He's trying to learn and memorize various slogans for stores and things, so he likes reading those on advertisements and commercials. The words he is able to sound out and pick up on are incredible. I don't even know what to say or think. I'd love to pat myself on the back for raising him so well, but this one is beyond any credit I may earn. He just decided he wanted to read one day I think.

He reads.

Mind = blown
But, just because he is a borderline genius doesn't mean he isn't as goofy and quirky as ever. A little bonus story for ya:

We hosted a first birthday party for some friends who were moving the week of their son's first birthday. We had 14 adults, 7 kids/toddlers and 3 babies in our cozy little house. May have been tight but I LOVED it! At the end of the party William and Elizabeth conned someone into dumping the ice chest in our back yard to play with, but Elizabeth had to leave soon after. I told William if he planned to play with the ice (great parenting as it may have been 60 degrees and overcast out) he needed to put socks and shoes on.

Somewhere in there I guess he heard 'and take your pants off'
Throwing ice and hearing it crash. In his underwear. Every little boy's dream. 

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