Dec 21, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas!

Just like the ONE that I once knew. :)

Christmas 2006 was the first Christmas in nearly 100 years when Denver had snow FALL on Christmas day. And I was here to see it :) It also happened to be part of the worst blizzard in Denver history since sometime in the 1930's - so my prayers for a white Christmas were answered abundantly. God was probably getting a good little chuckle out of it. Weathermen (and women) are not predicting snowfall on Christmas day, but they are predicting roughly 5 inches on Wednesday and they expect it to stay cold enough to still be on the ground on Friday. YIPPEE! It seems weird to me that even having snow on the ground on Christmas day is rare, but Denver is a rare snowy city. Anyhow - I'm excited that I can open all the blinds and see white in the backyard all day on Christmas :)

Our weekend was pretty uneventful - which was nice. Austin's battalion Christmas party was Friday and it went well - definitely geared more towards families, but it was nice. I don't know how many times I heard little boys running around screaming, then was quickly approached and asked "Are you ready for this?" Luckily you get to gradually get there right - I mean they have to crawl before they walk right?

Saturday I got my hair cut and got my massage - what a spoiled girl I was that day! I told Austin that once we win the lottery, I'm hiring Danica to come do my hair every day. Or at least a couple times a week - she always makes it look so good, and that scalp massage...that's worth the $ right there! After my massage I went shopping for a little bit while Austin wrapped presents, then we watched the Cowboys whoop up on the Saints - how 'bout them Cowboys huh? Pretty crazy...I never would have expected them to win. BRANDON didn't even think they'd win, and he's the fan among fans!

Sunday we went to the 8:00 service again because Austin had to drop Rick off at the airport at 10:30. I think I like the early service. I don't enjoy waking up early, that's for sure, but after I had gone to church, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the bedroom, and the guest bedroom, I looked at the clock and it was just 11:45! I felt like I still had the whole day ahead of me. I had big aspirations of more cleaning, but :) I have a 4.5 day weekend coming up and we'll have to do cleaning when we take the tree down, so no use in over doing it now right? So the rest of the day was spent watching football, tooling around with my sewing machine (I have limited thread and fabric, no straight pins, and nothing really to it really was just playing around at this point), and then before the stores closed at 6:00 we went and got our stroller!!! I wanted to take it out of the box and go on a walk with it, but I thought maybe I'd be made fun of :) But I'm so excited about it...even MORE excited for the baby to put in it!

The baby who, according to the doctor, is "perfect" :) That's right - I reached perfection today. Perfect blood pressure, perfect weight gain (which she was especially impressed with given the time of year!), perfect baby growth measured by my belly size, perfect baby positioning - and no blood was stolen! I told her it was a great early Christmas present and she said "Well, as long as you behave we don't have to steal your blood any more!" So that's my goal :)

I'm so excited for Christmas I can hardly stand it - and I don't even know what part I'm so excited for! I love giving Austin presents, so that'll be fun, and I'm sure he got me some fun stuff to play with...but mostly I'm just excited to have 4 days at home with him with no obligations and nothing to do. It'll be heavenly - maybe the best reminder of the reason for the season huh?

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