Dec 17, 2009

Not Just Football Players

You know how some people have a thing for movie stars, musicians, bad boys, etc? Some people even openly discuss who they'd leave their spouse for if the opportunity presented itself. Well, for me it's never been the typical hollywood figures you think of. Movie stars are way too pretty for me - that means too high maintenance and I'd never be willing to put the effort into my appearance that they do, so no thanks. Plus, people that pretty just make me suspicious - not sure why. Both of my brothers play guitar and sing well, and they have since I was in elementary school, so musicians have never "done it" for me either. That's just weird. And being the anal person I can be, bad boys just irritate me.

Football players though - that's my thing. They're rougher than movie stars and I wouldn't ever be scared walking down a dark alley with them by my side. Except those sissy quarterbacks, they're a different breed. Tom Brady - psh.

So I'm sure you can imagine the excitement I experienced when Ed "Too Tall" Jones (who retired from the NFL long before I was born, mind you) let me try on his Super Bowl ring a few years ago! Granted I think he had other things on his mind than what I had on mine - but we won't go there. The point of all of this is that I learned this week I'm not just fascinated by football players - it's also magicians!

I know what you're thinking - lame O. And it is, I'm sure. But they're so neat! Tuesday Western Union had our company Christmas party which they generally plan for a week day from 3-6 because families are not invited. Because it was our anniversary I didn't plan to stay past 4:30, and most of my coworkers planned on leaving too so it worked out well. Around 4:00 we were all tired of standing around, and I wasn't sure what we'd do for the next 30 minutes, but then a magician stopped by! The theme of the party was "Magic" (pretty original) so WU had hired 8 magicians to mingle with the crowd and perform some magic tricks. Our magician - Josh - was awesome! He had me stunned, and we were all very entertained. So - if something ever happens to Austin, you'll find me either on the sidelines of an NFL game (prior to being arrested) or in Vegas trying to meet a magician.

The rest of the week has been pretty good too - just very busy. Tuesday for our anniversary we went to dinner at Texas de Brazil. mmmm....meat. Austin gave me a gift card for a prenatal massage that I intend to take advantage of this weekend - my back is killing me! Last night I went to a coworker's house for a gift and cookie exchange party. At our gift exchange here at work I somehow had 3 itunes gift cards stolen from me 5 times (don't ask how that worked out) and last night was no different - gifts didn't stay with me long. But I ended up with a little snowman family decoration - a mommy, daddy, and perfect :) He's sitting on a ledge on our staircase right now. Or "they" are - I should say. Then tomorrow night is Austin's Battalion Christmas party and Saturday morning I have a haircut. Massage too if I can get an appointment!

Based on how busy things have been this week, I intend to spend a LOT of time on my couch this weekend. Glad Christmas shopping is done - would hate to be roaming the malls this weekend!!! Then it's only 3 more work days until Austin and I get a lovely 4 day weekend to relax and...spend more time on the couch :)

Hope your week before Christmas has been as magical as mine! :)

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