Oct 19, 2010

Social Discretion Revisited

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how I felt like adults needed lessons in social discretion. Maybe we forget things when we're so far removed from school and just need a refresher, or maybe it really is true that people care less and less about offending others as they get older. Who knows. Regardless, I was irritated because, at the time, my third fever blister in a week had just popped up, then sprouted 3 baby blisters to go along with it and I was mortified at the attention that my worst fever blister to-date was receiving.

Worst fever blister to-date is the key in that sentence, because this weekend two more emerged and one of them has taken the title. It doesn't help that William elbowed me in exactly the same place where the blister was forming. I think something must have ruptured inside, or all of the little germens in there were just pissed off - I don't really know. All I know is I woke up Monday morning and thought it was the perfect day to dress up as a battered wife. My lip was HUGE. I have plump lips to begin with, and the upper left side was literally three times its normal size. So large that it wrapped underneath my teeth and made it impossible for my mouth to be closed even though my lips were touching. I was miserable. So, you can only imagine the attention I received with this one!

So, count them...that's 5 fever blisters in 3 weeks. It's pretty miserable in itself, and the attention just adds to it. I called my doctor to see if I could come in to the clinic and get a prescription or something because obviously they aren't going away. The brilliant receptionist told me the first opening is Nov 3, and the best solution that he knows of is carmex. So, he was 0 for 2. I've had fever blisters my whole life, I'm pretty sure I've heard of carmex. Pretty sure I'm smart enough to try it as well. Looking for something a liiiiittle bit stronger. And that, my friends, is government funded health care.

My boss's son-in-law is a pharmacist and told her of a prescription that I could take daily that would keep them at bay...now I just need to find someone who can write it out for me. Any takers?

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