Oct 13, 2010


I get tired of my Wednesday posts all being named the same, so I try to think of different names periodically. Today I thought I'd abbreviate William Wednesday, then after typing WW I realized that it could also appear to be his initials. So now I have a new name: William Wallis Wednesday. Maybe I'll use that next week. Then there's always W squared for math nerds, or even Wcubed. So many doors have been opened...or 3 doors. As usual, I'm digressing.

I don't have a lot of time to write today. Busy bees at work. But here's what my little bear has been up to this week:

~his babbling has become more consistent and more purposeful. it sounds like he's saying "dada' a lot of times, but I don't think he has a connection to what dada means yet. he also babbles when he's happy and when he's frustrated, and there is definitely a difference.
~he is VERY tall. we were at mr. scott's house for football Sunday and there was a 19 month old boy there too. William was not even an inch shorter! at his doctor's appt Monday he was in the 90% for height.
~he does not like his daddy playing with other babies. Austin was playing with the 19 month old on Sunday. That boy has quite the arm and was throwing a ball to me, but he couldn't get the coordination to catch it. so Austin kneeled behind him and helped him get his arms in position to catch the ball. after a few times William crawled over to Austin and tried to stand where Spencer had been. I grabbed him and sat him on my lap so Spencer could catch the ball from someone else and William just stared over at Austin. I think he felt betrayed :(
~he is starting to get good with his "pinchers" - he grabs small pieces of food and brings them to his mouth, he just doesn't know what to do at that point :)
~he finally got a hold of Reagan last week and he has been even more eager for him ever since. he is sweeter to reagan than nancy though, almost as if he knows reagan is a wuss and can't handle the abuse.
~he and layla have developed quite the bond. we put up baby gates that can contain william in the living room and he likes to stand up and hold on to them. one day he banged his forehead on one and started crying- layla was on the other side of the gate and rushed over to lick it better.
~he LOVE LOVE LOVES his sippy cup.
~he loves the mirror in his bathroom! when we're on our way in there at night he starts looking towards the mirror and smiling at himself before he can even SEE the mirror! a couple of nights ago we kept walking in and out to see how many times he'd do it and he did it every time!
~yaya and papa bought him a baby laptop and he loves to close it. he hasn't figured out how to open it so he looks up at us as if to say "um, open please?" so we open it, like little lab rats, and then we try to push the buttons to play with him but he just starts laughing and closes it. he has us trained so well.

Sorry this post doesn't have a lot of flare or detail - I'm sure more has happened this week, we're just so busy at work that I'm trying to rush through this. More next week...I promise. Or hope. Hope is better than promise :)

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