Oct 28, 2010

Uh Oh

Wednesday came, Wednesday snowballed, and then Wednesday went. And I didn't write! Oops. I have a lot to do at work between now and Nov 18 when I hope to fly to Houston, so days like yesterday are not great. I have a 1.5 hour meeting then immediately after had a lunch with the senior VP of tax. He asked if anyone had concerns or issues to discuss and where usually everyone smiles and says no, yesterday EVERYONE talked. We were gone to lunch for 3 hours. Then I had to leave at 5 to get William and go to a "hail and farewell" dinner...so not a lot of work was done, and no blogging. So so sorry.

So, today will be Timothy Thursday. Not as great as William Wednesday but it will have to do.

How was William's week...hmmm...

Well, his tooth finally popped through on Thursday!!! It is tiny and hardly noticeable, but you can feel it! And once it popped through he was MUCH happier about life. He got sick Thursday night and threw up all over his crib - I'm not sure if the excess saliva in his stomach did it or what but he wasn't sick any other time. Friday CeCe kept oragel on his gums all day and by the time Friday night came he didn't mind his tooth at all.

He had lots of fun with CeCe and Pop! He loved making faces and watching us imitate them, and at times he had such a concentrated look on his face when we would make faces at him that it was as if he was trying to figure out how to imitate us back. Saturday they hung out around the house all day, and most of they day William stole everyone's attention. He loved it! He had people to play with nonstop, and he really enjoys making people laugh. Sunday Austin, Candace and I all either had food poisoning or had a stomach bug, but either way we were NOT actively involved in anything other than our stomachs. So poor William only had one person to dote on him. What a rough life! Pop was really good at helping William along in his walking. He's doing so well - he'll be walking hands-free before we know it. He was having a lot of fun walking across the room from one parent/grandparent to the other - but his favorite part was once he reached his destination. He just looked around the room waiting for everyone to cheer for him! He definitely loves positive reinforcement and praise, so who are we to deny him that? :)

Sunday night after CeCe and Pop left we went over to Paul and Janell's house. Paul is my coworker and I think I wrote a few weeks ago about us meeting at Chick Fil A for dinner. Paul invited us over Sunday for dinner and pumpkin carving. He told me that last year Brooklyn, who is exactly one year older than William, loved playing with the pumpkin so he was excited to see William and Brooklyn play this year. Well, Brooklyn did NOT like that Paul cut the top off the pumpkin and she was pretty scared of it until the top was put back on. So she sat back and watched this year, too afraid to touch it. William liked kissing the outside of the pumpkin, playing with the seeds, and then once Austin had cleaned it all out he loved rubbing his arms/hands around on the inside. I am not sure if he liked the pumpkin more or the newspaper that was laid out on the table, though...that crinkly noise was fun! After we carved pumpkins I took William upstairs to rinse him off, then we played in Brooklyn's play room for a little bit while the daddies finished the pumpkins (and watched football). William had a lot of fun over at their house, and Brooklyn was so sweet to him! She kept trying to hug him and help him do things. They have 2 pugs and William really liked them - its like the best of Nancy mixed with the best of Layla...the playfulness of a dog in the size of a cat. For William, what could be better?

This week William has been extremely happy and playful. He's been staying up a little later at night which is pretty fun for me. He used to be ready for his bath around 7 or 7:15, which meant we'd get home at 6, Austin or I would make a quick dinner while the other played with William, we'd all eat during Wheel of Fortune, then rinse the dishes and it was off to the bath. Now he stays up until almost 8 before he needs a bath which means more play time for us. I wish it would also mean he'd sleep in later in the mornings, giving me more time to get ready, but so far that's been hit or miss. Today I think the cold weather helped out and he didn't wake up until after 7. Woo hoo! Last night at the "hail and farewell" dinner he was having a lot of fun chewing on my necklace (I took it off so he couldn't rip it off) and he ate a LOT. That may have contributed to his sleep too. Maybe I'll try shoveling lots of food in his face every night :)

Tuesday was school picture day. I chuckled when Miss Kim told me because I didn't know infants got school pictures. But, apparently they do! And, as if we don't have enough pictures I'm sure we'll buy those too! I need to find the chord for the camera because there are LOTS of pictures on there that I need to share, along with the pumpkin carving pictures that Paul gave me. Then after this weekend we'll have Halloween pictures too - guess its true about the first born...there's a picture for every move they make. But with a baby as adorable as William, can you blame me?

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