Oct 6, 2010

Willllllliam Wednesday!!!

William had another fun-filled week! Last Wednesday when I picked him up from school we headed to the airport to pick up his YaYa and PaPa who were coming in to visit for the weekend. I think the entire scene at the airport was a little stressful - William wasn't quite sure what to think of all the people, and then these 2 people he didn't remember were trying to hold him and he got a little upset. But, once we got home where he's comfortable he was more than happy to have his playmates on the floor for him to climb all over. Then when YaYa went into her suitcase and got out 2 new books for him, he was sold. These people were cool!

Thursday he spent the day at home with his grandparents, and I hear they had a great time. They also came up to have lunch with me which was the highlight of my workday. At lunch William grabbed a full water glass(ice included!) and spilled it on my lap so I was FREEZING walking out to the car. Luckily there was a Target in the same shopping center as the restaurant we ate at. Darn, new pants. Thanks William :) Thursday night we walked in the Light the Night walk (which I still have to write about!) William did not want to sleep OR ride in his stroller. My coworker Paul and I both had big plans of our babies falling asleep right as the walk would start, and both babies stayed awake the entire time. They were happy as long as they weren't in their strollers. I can't blame them though, there was lots to see!

Friday my mom and Alfredo wanted to go into the mountains to see the fall colors as the leaves were changing, so we drove up to Silverthorne to the outlet mall. There were beautiful trees on our way up there and the scenery while we were there was beautiful. I don't think I ever saw true fall colors until I was a sophomore in high school and we went to Virginia for Thanksgiving...but that definitely made me appreciate trees more! In Houston trees generally are either green or brown, there's not a long in-between phase. But the yellow, orange, and red leaves painting the mountains were gorgeous. Have I mentioned I love Colorado? Oops, this blog is about William. Not Colorado. Moving on.

William's YaYa bought him some Thanksgiving and Christmas outfits at the outlet mall. His mommy and daddy got nothing - surprise surprise huh? But he'll be precious in his little clothes! Then again, he always is :) He enjoyed walking around with PaPa and dancing to the music in Chipotle with YaYa. He definitely loved the attention of having his grandparents in town! It was funny when we were showing Austin his new clothes when he got home from work. He said "William, when your grandparents used to come to Denver they bought us stuff. Now we get nothin'." That's parenthood I suppose :)

That night my friend Stef came over to cook dinner and while we were cooking I turned around to see what William was doing. He was sitting on the floor in a pool of water waving the pets' water bowl over his head. The bowl had been FULL. I have no idea how he had the strength to lift it and tip it over, but he was thoroughly enjoying it! He doesn't seem to understand why we pick up all the pet bowls as he scurries across the floor or why we bought 2 baby gates on Saturday to barricade him in the living room :)

He's pulling up more and more and he's trying to stand without assistance. His balance isn't there yet, so his bottom is taking a beating as he falls often. He thinks its funny though :) He loves to play in his crib in the mornings, climbing up and standing at the rails, playing with stuffed animals, and throwing things around. I found an animal across his room one morning this week! My mom said she finds it "kind of funny" that William is an early riser and such a morning person because I definitely never was. Things have changed slightly for me and my morning-attitude...I can't sleep in nearly as late as I used to be able to and I am a little more chipper in the mornings. Was absolutely more chipper than she was before her cup of coffee, I do have to say! In any case, William does love the mornings and I am happy to wake a smiling baby rather than a grumpy one.

He still doesn't have teeth, which I am trying my hardest not to worry about. I know all babies are different and things happen at different times. I know he's a rock star with his mobility and some of his motor skills, but I can't stop mentally thinking about how I wish his little teeth would come in. I'm sure they are there and I keep thinking it must be soon as he gnaws on EVERYTHING, but so far no pearly whites. I know I shouldn't worry about it and I should just enjoy him as he is...I do enjoy him, I just have to be honest...I'm a little concerned. His toothless smile is to die for, but I'm sure his little smile with 2 baby teeth will be just as cute. Some day.

He's on the verge of moving up a clothing size again so we are now prioritizing what he wears so we can get the most use out of our favorites. How ridiculous is that? Then it'll be time yet again to pack up the old and hang up the new. Wouldn't it be fun to have a whole new wardrobe every 3 months???? I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous :) It'd also be fun to look as cute in clothes as he does. He's got the life, that's for sure! People carry him wherever he needs to go, he gets fed whenever he's hungry, bottom cleaned by someone else, gets to play all day and people adore him.

Why do we ever grow out of being babies again???

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