So, when Austin sent me pictures today of his temporary home I thought I'd share a little bit.
Someone asked me on Monday what Austin does on weekends. When I responded that he does the same thing as every other day she asked, "So they don't get weekend vacations?" I had to pick my jaw up off the floor - I was stunned. People really think that our military get weekend vacations when they are at war?! Further, when I tried explaining that they are at WAR and can't really just leave on a whim this person said, "Well don't they have officers clubs where they can relax and have some beer?" NO! There are no CLUBS! If there are, my husband is not aware that's for sure. What a horrible job we have done of educating our country on the full realm of sacrifice being made by these men and women.
Besides the 2 weeks of free vacation that the military offers to service members serving 9 months or more, they do not get vacations. They do not get holidays off or weekends off and other than special occasions (like the super bowl, duh) they can not have beer or alcohol. Not that alcohol is an inalienable right by any stretch of the word, but it is just another luxury that we have here at home - take it or leave it. They don't get to pick what they eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They don't get to relax in a nice, hot bath after a long, stressful day. Sometimes they can't even find good toothpaste!
These are just a few of the sacrifices they make to serve where they're serving. Right or wrong, winning or losing, we are at war and these people have offered to give up the luxuries that we enjoy so that others don't have to. My cousin, my brother and my husband have all given up everything so that I can still have the privilege of refilling my tub with more hot water after the first tub-full went cold; so that I have the privilege of leaving work and leaving the work and stress there while I go and enjoy the wonderful surroundings I call home. I have obviously done a poor job of making sure people know the extent of the sacrifice that is being made for them. Shame on me.
So to Austin, Brian and Jesse - and all of the service members out there - I say thanks. From the bottom of my heart. I couldn't do it in a million years, and thanks to you I don't have to.
And I thought I'd share what Austin's life looks like for the next 9 - nope, scratch that, 8 months...
This is his bed...its made, which I think is impressive :)
The closet needs some work. Maybe I can ship him some container store stuff...
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