Mar 16, 2011

William Wednesday

Enough of this blog sadness, it's Wednesday so its time to brighten things up William-style :)

I didn't write last week mostly because I was busy at work, but I also didn't have a lot to report...because I was busy at work. My sister in law came into town last week to help me with William and he had a BLAST with her. They played, went to monkey bizness, she snuck him nilla wafers when I said no - all things that aunst are supposed to do, I know :) By the end of the week I could tell he had built a strong bond with her and really loved her. The feeling was mutual, in case you were curious.

Saturday night William and I spent the evening reacquainting ourselves with each other and had fun playing. Sunday we went to a 1 year old's birthday party where WIlliam thought he was the king of the playroom, then went and had dinner at my friend Corinne's house. William loves Corinne's daughter - really, I Think William just loves girls. Juuuuust great ;)

This week we haven't done a whole lot - but I look forward to having another full weekend with him in a couple of days. He has made my stressful days at work better just by being him though - as always. Some fun points from the past week or so:
~Yesterday I let him try walking from the truck to the mailbox then to the house rather than me holding him. The slope of the driveway was tricky for him but he loved figuring out how to balance his body weight. He fell a couple of times but didn't want any help, and when he made it to the front door he was SO excited
~At the birthday party he DEVOURED the cupcake. yellow icing everywhere. i tried to pull it away at one point and someone got a picture of him lunging towards the cupcake.
~Around his first birthday he still had a bedtime bottle of milk, and less than 2 months later he moved from that to a sippy cup and now to nothing. no bedtime drink at all. it's kind of sad for me :(
~He either recognizes Austin on his daddy doll more now, or he misses him more now - I don't know, but he cuddles with daddy a lot these days.
~He really enjoys being outside. When I let layla out to go potty I have to be quick on getting the door closed or he'll dart out there too. Looking forward to warmer weather so I can let him run around and play
~He loves to give me hugs. He'll be in the middle of playing, run to me to hug me, then quickly run back to playing.

I'm sorry I don't have more details from the week - this weekend I will make an effort take lots of pictures and create fun stories to share. For now, I'm just busy keeping up with him!!!

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