Mar 30, 2011

WOO HOO Wednesday

If someone told me I could have a baby only as a cuddly infant or only as a new toddler, it wouldn't be a hard choice. I'd pick this stage hands down. Of course that's not to say I didn't LOVE the infant cuddly wuddly baby bear stage...I'd definitely miss that, but this age is such a blast. I'm thinking back on the past week and realizing I have WAY too much to say for one blog post. I'm going to have to pick and choose, and that is the sign of a great week for William!

William was extra playful this week, especially after good dinners. I've found he definitely has more energy and is more playful after he's eaten a good, full meal. Some nights he just doesn't want big meals, or he just doesn't want to eat what I'm serving, but on the nights when he eats everything he is SO silly and playful. One night after dinner he was running around the kitchen trying to get me to chase him. You know how sometimes kids will say "don't you dare tickle me" or something to that effect, but they REALLY want you to? It's like he was saying that. He'd run to the back door and slam his hands against the glass, look at me and inch his way over until his ribs were within my reach. I'd reach out and tickle him and he'd nearly fall over with laughter. Over and over and over. Last night I was sitting in Austin's recliner and William ran over to me. I reached my arms out for a hug and he wrapped his arms around my neck. I thought he wanted to cuddle so I swooped him up into my lap but he hopped back down just as quickly - guess it wasn't cuddle time. For the next 10 minutes or so he'd run towards me and then as soon as I'd reach my arms out he'd turn the opposite direction, run away and laugh. He was teasing me with his almost-hugs and I was cracking up. After he was done with that game he walked into the downstairs bathroom. I called his name for him to come out so he did...DRAGGING THE PLUNGER! He dragged it all over the living room. Not sure what was so fun about it!

This weekend William was even a character when we were running errands. We went to Target - please, please quit judging me - and we were in the Easter aisle. William was reaching for a ball so I grabbed it and put it on the handle of the cart. He slapped it away and it bounced on the ground. He started laughing, so I picked it up and did it again and he laughed even harder. He continued to knock it down and I'd bounce it and pick it up, giving it back to him. One time he slapped it so hard it slammed onto a shelf so I determined that at that point I had turned into the bad mom at the store and we left the Easter section. Not before he had picked out 3 eggs for Austin's easter basket, though. He picked 2 starburst and 1 m&m, but I swapped that one for skittles. No chocolate!

Sunday we went to a dog park. I wasn't sure what to expect for William but he had a blast. It was uneven ground so he had to concentrate hard on his walking, but he had a lot of fun trudging through it. He also loved all the dogs, big and small. No fear...which is good and bad, I think. He liked playing in the dirt too - his clothes were covered by the time we left. Layla even got a little hop in her step playing with the other dogs, but she also liked to walk by William and keep an eye out. She'd wander off then come back, as if to say "you still doin ok buddy? ok good"

There are so many other stories I could how he loved eating his peas last night, how he lines bottles or cups or rolls of toilet paper up and wraps his arms around it all, picks it up and laughs...or about playing with his dump truck or bouncy ball...really, there are LOTS of stories to share just not enough time. We had a great week and he is getting more and more comfortable and confident in his surroundings. My little baby is definitely a toddler, and I LOVE it!!!

here are some pics to finish it off...

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