Mar 23, 2011

William Wednesday!!!

I've gone back and forth this morning trying to determine if it is or is not Wednesday. Working on weekends really messes up days, so then you think you're ahead then you try to remind yourself that you're thinking ahead so you end up thinking a day's just a mess. Solution: don't work weekends.

But, I looked at the calendar 3 times and it is in fact Wednesday. So - it's William time, and I'm so excited :)

To remember what went on during the week I have to look through pictures and emails that we sent to Austin to try and keep track of it all. My mind is all over the place! Friday William got sick at school, I'm sure I sound like a broken record here. Saturday he was recovering from his stomach bug - he never threw up but he slept a lot. When he was awake though he was lots of fun. He cuddled with me a lot in the morning, laid in bed with me watching Bob the Builder (he actually watched for about 20 minutes. it's a record!) and he played with Nancy. I was getting dressed to go run errands while he was playing with Nancy, but then all of a sudden he decided it wasn't errand time - it was nap time. He immediately flopped over and fell asleep.

After he woke up we went to Target - the usual, of course - and to Best Buy. At Best Buy I needed to get a disc drive for Austin's computer and while I was there I figured I should see the new iPad. Give me more anticipation for when mine arrives :) While we were there William went CRAZY about the balloons. He loves balloons! I let him play with one for a little bit but it turned out to be a mistake cause boy was he mad at me when we walked away.

After we got home he deserved a balloon, though, because he helped me with laundry! It's amazing to me the little things that babies absorb without us even realizing it. He knew that the clothes in the basket go IN the washer, and the clothes in the dryer come OUT and get put into the other basket. He knew exactly what to do! I kept telling him how good he was doing and thanking him for the help and it made him so proud. Made me pretty proud too :) My little laundry doer.

Saturday evening we went to Steve and Stef's house to watch UFC. William did NOT want to go to sleep. He was having so much fun walking around, feed Steve carrots, feeding the dog anything she'd eat, climbing on my lap...he gets more and more comfortable at our friends' houses every time he goes. His eyes were getting sleepier and sleepier but he was determined to run around and play, so I finally took him upstairs and laid on the bed with him - he was asleep in literally 2 seconds. Pretty precious :)

I had to work Sunday morning but after I got home we had fun playing on the patio. He learned to roll a ball! He has a bouncy ball a little bigger than a softball that supposedly bounces 45 feet (I don't think I'll ever know for sure) It's his favorite ball for now so he carried it out onto the patio. He sat down, so I sat across from him and he rolled it. The first time he pretty much had to roll his body with the ball, but he got better with practice. I haven't gotten him to roll any of his other balls, just that one. But he's done it a few times since he first learned so as with everything I'm sure practice makes perfect.

Monday when I picked him up from daycare I got there a little earlier than usual and there were 6 parents/grandparents there at the time so the room was busy. He was at the far end of the room playing with one of the teachers when I walked in. I just watched him and waited for him to notice me. When he did his face lit up, he jumped out of his chair and ran (toddled) over to me saying "ahhhh ahhhh ahhh" with his arms raised in the air. IT was precious and all the other adults in the room were laughing at him. Once he reached him and I picked him up he looked around and smiled at his audience - that little turkey knew they were watching him all along. He's such a performer when he wants to be!!!

This morning Austin called us on yahoo face-chat. We were on my phone so Austin could hear us, but he was in a room full of people working so he had to turn the microphone on his computer off. He just watched me get William get ready, watched William run around chasing Nancy and trying to get the cat food, and waved to him before we left. William kept grabbing the phone and flipping it backwards, trying to figure out how daddy was in there. He got SO excited every time Austin moved or waved or anything, and at one point he kept looking back and forth from Austin's picture on the wall to him on the if his brain was thinking "wait now there are TWO daddies but I still can't touch either one???" He was a little confused, but he did enjoy it a lot and he was in such a happy mood. I think he is noticing that daddy is gone because he cries while reaching for his picture sometimes, and he's a lot more clingy with me this week than he has been in the recent past so I think the timing of the webcam was perfect. Hopefully soon Austin can either get internet in his own room or he can be alone in the office so that he can talk - I'm sure William would love to hear his voice. For security purposes he can't let me hear anything that my be discussed in the office, and I get that. But I know how much William loves daddy's voice! Whenever I open his Hallmark recordable book and he hears daddy's voice he stops dead in his track, runs over and starts playing with the book trying to figure it out.

It's been a VERY long week for me, but Friday will be one month since Austin left the states, last Friday was one month since we said goodbye - and month marks are always nice. One month down, 8 to go. I know William can tell a difference, but I think he's being quite the trooper and he's definitely helping his mommy keep her sanity (though not her sleep) He's so wonderful :)

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