William is unfailing, if nothing else. Through my tough week he has remained his silly, goofy, happy, opinionated, talkative self – and I couldn’t be more thankful! He talks up a storm, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!!!
Last week he had a lot of fun with his CiCi. She let him bounce on the couch, jump on pillows on top of the couch, eat ice cream more than he has in months (keep in mind mean mean mommy limits the ice cream for her own temptation’s purpose) and overall she just let him do basically whatever he wanted and he loved it! Just as grandparents are supposed to do I’m sure. She had fun working on his colors with him and helped him perfect identifying them at the drop of a hat. Or a ball, as the case actually was.
Saturday he was sad when CiCi left, so luckily we had a great distraction: a birthday party at monkey bizness! Seeing the order in which the party was conducted, and how the parents had to do literally nothing AT the party, it really showed me the advantage to an on-location birthday party. Sure they cost a lot, but the parents walked away with no mess to clean, no dishes to do, and a car loaded with presents that they didn’t even have to pack up themselves. Well worth the money they spent, I’d guess. (though I have no idea what they spent so maybe I shouldn’t speak out of turn here) It was my coworker’s daughter’s 2nd birthday, and the guests ranged from 10 months to 4 years…and were all very well behaved! Letting kids run around for an hour before trying to corral them for food is really the way to go. Making mental notes!!!

Another mental note I made: don’t let your almost-2 year old eat 2 entire pieces of pizza when he has never had greasy, saucey, cheese pizza before. Add to that a Capri sun which he also never gets, and a slice of cake and what you get is a 10:00 vomit-induced wake up. Oops! Poor baby was so confused when he woke up, and clung to his dada-doll crying “dada dada”. I didn’t have the heart to tear dada away right away, but was slightly disappointed #1 because why wasn’t he crying for mommy? And #2 because dada was the ONLY thing that escaped the vomit in the crib…until he squished it all over himself. But that’s ok, if its dada he wants its dada he gets. But once the shock of being jolted awake wore off, and once he was cleaned off in the bath, he had a surge of energy. It was like he thought he had just taken a really good nap. So he ran around the hallway, played with layla, climbed on the bed, and let me read some books. It took just shy of 2 hours to get him back to sleep, but that’s ok. We had fun playing and bonding.

Sunday was as it usually is…fun at church, fun with Oh Gosh and his dog cooky katy (he calls her cooky and she sure is!) fun screaming for the Texans, and a trip to the grocery store. Our Sundays are like clockwork, and he loves them all the more for it I think. Before church he had fun taking his THREE blankies, green bear, doggie and dada downstairs. Here's how he did it:

He has a new game that he seems to like to play with CiCi and YaYa. I think he must know how much it gets to them because he does it every time. When we are on the phone I will say “William can you say hi CiCI/Yaya?” and he ALWAYS responds with “Hi Pop/Papa” (whichever one is applicable) Now, I know he loves his cici and yaya because when his mommy won’t let him eat sweets or out of his crib or all the other mean things that disciplinarians do, the first 2 people he cries for are cici and yaya. But he just LOVES to irk them with his “hi papa” or “hi pop”. That boy!
Yesterday Papa called him and was talking to him on the phone. Papa asked him “William are you going to come to Papa’s house on an airplane?” William’s response was “airplane, oh gosh, airplane”. I’ve been telling him for WEEKS that we are going on a plane with uncle brian, never sure if he was listening or absorbing what I was saying. Clearly he hears EVERYTHING whether he responds or not. Another mental note here! He also knows we are flying to “cexas”…that boy is smarter than he knows!
I’ve discovered what his favorite outfit is right now. It’s his precious paw print overalls that I just ADORED when I bought them 2 years ago. That’s right, I bought them before he was born…that’s how much I love them! I refer them as his “puppy paw print pants” and he is coming along. They used to be called “pop” then “pop pant” and this morning he called them “paw pant pant” Pretty impressive! (wow that was a lot of P’s!) He wore them a week ago, cried everytime he saw them in his dirty clothes hamper, and today he happily wore them again. I will know, though, to throw them in the laundry room immediately after bedtime tonight so that we don’t have a daily lesson on the different between dirty clothes and clean clothes.

When I was home sick on Tuesday I was reading through old blogs and I read one from last fall when Kim and Jennifer were both so excited to tell me that William was the first baby ever to pick up the glitter ball. Do you remember that post? I believe it was in August of last year. Well, yesterday we walked in to say hi to both of his favorite ladies and he ran STRAIGHT to the toy shelf and found the glitter ball! Kim said “OH you found your ball! Did we ever tell you he is the only baby that could ever pick that ball up? He was such a muscle man!” It was too timely! I told them about how I had just stumbled across hat blog and smiled at the memory…time has really flown by and the faster it goes the happier I am that I started these weekly blog posts.
Earlier this week I was thinking about how happy I am that William won’t ever remember this year without his dada, when it hit me: that means he also won’t remember this wonderful year that we’ve had together. It broke my heart! He has been my ray of sunshine and the silver lining on all of my clouds, and it kills me that he won’t remember all of the fun that we’ve had. But at least I can somehow, someday, compile my weekly stories for him so that he can see what a wonderful year we’ve had. It would have been worlds better with dada, but it has been such a blessing for me – whether he will ever know or not.

- manda
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