I don’t even know where to begin, but that’s partially because I don’t remember where I left off! I told Austin last night that it seems like there’s something new every day, and it really does. Makes it hard to keep up. Since the last time I wrote we:
Went to fall festival at his school

Went to a massively large and fun Halloween party at my boss’s house

Watched football with “oh gosh” and referred to him as such for the first time in front of him
Went to fall festival at church
Learned to say the name of his first baby cousin, Baby Jelli (Kelli…he’ll get it someday…)

Had another snow storm that mommy didn’t let him play in thanks to her morning argument with said snow
Went to craft night
Collectively played mission organization in our friend’s kitchen (yes, William was quite the helper! He is my son)
Had an amazing Sunday to include a visit from oh gosh, Cici, and a Texans win!
And a hundred things in between!!!
His focus lately has been on his colors. Two weeks ago I believe I wrote that he knew orange, yellow and green. Now you can add to that brown, purple, red, blue and black…and he knows white but only in association with snow. Last night he had a game going with Cici and mommy – he’d bring his 5 plastic colored balls to one of us, we’d throw them across the room, and he’d run around excitedly gathering them all and shouting out their colors. If I had a recorder, this is what you may have heard: “reeen, arnge, ellow, reeeen, ahhhhhhh, hahahaha, reeen, red, ahhh, ellow, hahahahaha, poople…” and so on. I hope you can read toddler-talk…that’s “green, orange, yellow…..purple…” He also amazed me with his motor skills as he would hold one ball in each hand then maneuver a way to grab a third. He would either prop the third ball between the two he was already holding, stretch one hand around two balls, or use his leg and stomach as a staple to roll a third ball up towards his arms. I’m amazed at how well he figured it out without getting frustrated with himself.
He also seems to be getting more interested and prepared for the potty. The downside to that is that 3 nights in the last week he has taken his diaper off when he’s thought it needed changing. Only once was it a dirty diaper…but still, soiled linens in the morning isn’t exactly what I want to deal with. It isn’t part of our daily schedule you know
His fall festival at school was a lot of fun. They had a parade around the circle in the library parking lot, then a trunk or treat in the school parking lot, and then back inside all of the rooms were full of different activities. There was a goldfish game (we passed on that – I don’t need to deal with dead fish right now), a balloon animal artist (who was slower than molasses…he must not know much about toddlers attention spans and patience levels), a craft station, a carnival game room, and a reptile room. The reptile room is where we spent most of our time…William loved the snakes! “ellow nake” he kept saying. The yellow snake he spoke of…it weighed in at a whopping 300 pounds! I am surprised I even let him play J There were two large snakes, a couple little reptiles that creeped me out, and a 150 pound turtle that was a little too intimidating for William. But we had fun in the room!

His love for our pets has continued to grow, and they all seem to be slowly adjusting to the affection. Nancy is incredibly patient. People often try to quickly grab him when they see he’s getting ready to lay on her, and they may wonder why I am so apathetic about it. But then they see that Nancy just lays there and takes the abuse. She has never fought back and if she gets overly annoyed she knows to leave. Layla doesn’t LOVE the extra attention when it includes being climbed on, but she plays along and behaves. All the while staring at me with a look that either says “please save me” or “I swear you’ll pay for this later” – I can’t quite tell, but part of me thinks her tortilla eating has something to do with it.

Oh – and I almost forgot – my almost 2 year old has decided he needs to be completely independent at breakfast. If independent includes me pouring milk into a cup that he mentally knows he doesn’t want but verbally can’t communicate. And if independent includes me handing over the entire kitchen’s edible allotment and allowing him to create his own delicious concoction. OK, so not independent at all really – just opinionated. One morning he had cereal and pancakes and milk and syrup. All in one bowl. And another morning he poured his eggs and sausage into his chocolate milk. Scratch that, into MY chocolate milk that I quickly surrendered. He ate it all in all its milk-dripping disgusting glory, so I can’t complain that he’s picky. He just likes to create things that no one else in their right might would eat. I told Austin I felt like my son was Buddy the Elf...and really I do! Ick. The most frustrating part is that I don’t know exactly what he wants, and he doesn’t understand why I don’t know exactly what he wants. Why doesn’t mommy know that when I say milk I want chocolate milk? And I don’t want a sippy cup I want it in HER cup and I want my eggs in it. Is it THAT hard of a concept?

SO, as in most relationships it looks like what we have here is a failure to communicate. But we’re getting there. And it’s a fun filled journey along the way! I’m doing the “30 days of thankfulness” on facebook but every morning I have to force myself NOT to repeat that I am thankful for William Timothy Wallis. He is the most amazing thing in the world and I can’t help but feel pity for all those other silly parents who think that THEY have the most amazing kids in the world. Ignorance is bliss I suppose, and at least I know the truth!!!

- manda
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