**update from last week: Today William is wearing his puppy paw print pants. Proudly. They are a weekly occurance, but sadly they don’t have many weeks left. He is growing tooooo tall!
Now that the administrative stuff is out of the way I can move on to this week! We had another busy week but this time it wasn’t because our schedule was busy, it was because HE is busy. He’s such a busy boy! The only thing on our weekend agenda was to have our pictures taken.
My former coworker, who took family pictures last August one of which is at the bottom of my blog, offered to take some pictures of William and me free of charge. I didn’t want a full photo shoot like last time, just enough to get a Christmas card out the door. Because the weather wasn’t agreeable, we met at Barnes & Noble to take pictures in the kids’ reading section. William was QUITE the ham! He posed, prepped his smile, and gave some looks with his eyes that you couldn’t teach me to perfect! He loved it, and he LOVED all the attention.
Before Akshay arrived at Barnes & Noble we played with the Thomas the Train trainset to kill time. William loved all the trains! I don’t think he has seen toy trains, and then the track was all set up on the table top right within his reach. He was occupied for 20 minutes solid.

At one point a little girl and her mom walked in, clearly headed for the train set, but neither William nor the girl understood they could play with it together. They just stood there staring each other down until her mom took her and said they’d play later. About 5 minutes later they came back so I told William we were going to share, and we went into the book area. It wasn’t long after that when Akshay arrived, and then the little girl and her mom came into the book area too. After we were done taking pictures her mom was reading a counting book to her and William clearly wanted to be in on the reading. He slowly inched his way over to them, dragged a chair with him, and started pointing out the colors of the bugs in the book. The mom didn’t seem to mind, good thing! The mom asked me how old he was and when I said 22 months she said “Oh, I thought he was older than mine, she’s almost 2 and a half. He seems so much older than her!” Ahh, music to a mother’s ears. I think…
His pronunciation (or is it annunciation? What’s the difference) is getting so good. He has an elmo toy with alphabet blocks and Elmo says “help elmo find the ___” and you fill in the blanks with an object on the blocks. On Saturday he said “Help Elmo find the umbrella. Umbrella. U” Usually William would reply “lella” but this time he said “UM lella” (space included) He has also given each of our pets names now, rather than referring to them all as “daya”. That was layla’s old name, and Reagan and nancy were referred to as such also. But this week (or did I write this last week? Man I should really re-read my previous posts before writing!) he named Reagan and Nancy to rere and neecie. Then on Monday night when we were at petco getting food, he saw the bowl of treats at the checkout. He kept saying “cookie cookie cookie” so I said “those are for dogs, do you want to take one to layla? It’s a cookie for layla” He took it in his hand (still at petco) and said “eat lllllaylllllla”. I was so proud of the pronunciation/annunciation and I think he was too, so for about 5 minutes he repeatedly said “eat lllayllllla”. It wasn’t until we were in the truck that I remembered Layla was in Colorado Springs at Oh Gosh’s house…oops!
Luckily by the time we got home William had forgotten all about the cookie and had moved on to more important things, like looking for that darned yellow ball that we lost. He has a toy that came with 5 plastic balls: green, red, purple, orange and yellow. When Cici was here she let him take them into the bath, and since then they have been up and downstairs more times than I can count. Sometimes he carries them, sometimes he hands them to me, and sometimes he throws them through the rails. My guess is that it was in one of those third times that the yellow ball went missing. But, he knows exactly which ball is gone and I think he’ll be searching for it until we find it. I better get to looking!
While I’m looking he’ll continue to be busy. He’ll continue to pour water on the floor and dance in it,

Build block towers bigger than himself

Change out of tennis shoes into his “momas boot” without my knowledge

And make every attempt to make me laugh

But occasionally, when I’m least expecting it, I get a blast from the past and see glimpses of my sweet baby bear. He’s in there somewhere, amidst the opinions and emotions and playfulness and intelligence and energy. He’s still there.

- manda
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