In the mornings it is usually foggy in Monterey. I don't love fog, but it is a happy time of day for me. I always hear George clooney's voice(and hearing George clooney can make any day a happy one) in The Perfect Storm saying 'the fog's just lifting. ...' I hear it because I loved that part of the movie; I loved where he relished in the blessing to be living his life. I can't believe I get to live where I am now, seeing a bit of the fog he described. This morning's fog was a little different though.
First, as we entered onto highway 1 which is maybe 50 feet from the water the fog was more dense than usual. There was no sight of sunshine peeking trough, no visibility of the waves breaking on the shore, no signs of tail lights ahead. It was a very thick, pretty nasty fog. I remember thinking 'I guess we got spoiled in June with the lack of fog and we are collecting on past due weather'. Then in an instant it was like we just curved around the fog wall. To my right I could still see this grey, dense fog consuming the beach and above the car and mountains I saw the same. But just in front of me, just peeking around the well defined edge of the fog, the sun was shining down on Monterey. I tried to capture a picture as the moment captivated me, but let's be honest - I was driving 65 mph down a freeway with a jabbering 2 year old. I shouldn't have been taking pictures in the first place, and the one I got just didn't do the moment justice.

There's just a little piece of God's gift to me peeking out. And in that instant I heard Him say, 'even when you can't see where you're going, just keep trusting that I have a gift for you on the other side of the clouds'. And he sure does! My picture doesn't show the fog that was literally consuming me. My picture doesn't show the brightness which shined through the little gap of the landscape. If I were a photographer or a painter I'd work tirelessly to capture that and share it with you.
I got an email today from one of my oldest friends and she said, 'I'm so glad you're doing so well in Cali, I know how nervous you were'.
I was. But I did my best to trust and have faith and believe that God had a plan laid out. And as He guided me, he slowly peeled back the fog to reveal his beautiful gift. He revealed it a little at a time, constantly reminding me 'stop worrying; I've got this. You have no idea'.
I had no idea. And maybe today you have no idea. I don't know if God shared this with me as a reminder of his faithfulness through all of this or if He shared it with me because He's trusting me to share it with you. Either way, I couldn't keep it to myself. God shared Himself with me and for my birthday he let me open a beautiful gift. Happy, happy birthday!
- manda
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