Friday I got a call at 9:45 that I needed to pick William up because he had a fever. His teacher warned me that 4 kids had been sent home with hand, foot and mouth so if he developed a rash within the next 24 I shouldn't be surprised.
So Saturday morning we weren't surprised to see red bumps in Williams mouth making eating pretty painful for him. The 'disease' is poorly named though because he had a rash on his arms, face, legs, hands, feet...rally sits midsection is all that was spared. The rash didn't bother him, just looked bad.
Sunday dada went to play golf with some of his coworkers and William and I spent the day together. We went for a walk that was intended to be 3 miles and turned into 6. It was just so nice out and he was sleeping so well, I couldn't resist! Then I set up my computer to try and make up some time from leaving work early Friday. I had the bright idea of setting up William's desk next to mine so we could work together. Cute idea, but what ended up happening was we just colored together all afternoon :)

He wanted me to draw a car then he proceeded to tell me where the tires needed to go. All 16 of them.
He couldn't return to school until the rash turned into blisters then scabs (eww) so he had a few days off. Monday dada stayed with him then the plan was for me to stay with him Tuesday. But, mommy and dada both got food poisoning on Monday night so we were both home Tuesday. Good thing we have a well behaved boy because we were knocked down most of the day.
Wednesday William's sores were FINALLY scabs so we could take him out of the house. So excited! We went back to the aquarium and William was probably more interested this time than last time. But we learned he doesn't find jellyfish fascinating in the slightest. He just wanted to see sharks and fish and turtles! So, we did.

He and I agreed this little shrimp was so cute that we should just never eat them. Ever. :)

Here he is inside the little play tunnel in the kid area. Once we got into the kid area mommy and dada found a place to sit because we knew we'd be there awhile! William climbed and played and had a blast.

We knew he was ready to leave when we went to see the kelp forest and he tried to lay down!
Today we were worried it'd be hard to get him to go back to school but it wasn't in the slightest! He was excited to see his friends and play. And he had another GREAT daily report! His teacher said that his new friend Eric (a new kid in class) was having trouble adjusting and William was greeting him sweetly and trying to share his toys with him. She ended by saying "William is such a sweet boy! I know you know this, but I'm just sayin! We love having him in class"
I am filled with pride with how adorable he is and how brilliant he is, but above all of that I am filled with pride when I hear how sweet he is! I better run...dada bought him a new Mickey's clubhouse DVD for being such a good boy and it's my turn to do the hot dog dance!!! (please tell me I'm not the only 20something doing the hot dog dance.....)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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