After the breakfast episode we stopped at target to get some flowers for Joy. I ran inside while William and dada waited in the truck - I wasn't risking another public display of humiliation! As I jogged past the dollar section my eye caught sight of a little army helmet. It was too cute for any army wife to pass up, plus William has been asking for a helmet lately. He knows dada has to wear a helmet to ride Jackl, so he had decided he needed a helmet to ride baby jackl! I quickly grabbed it then realized at check out that it was 70% off. 70% off $1??? Ok!

He was so excited when he saw me walk out of target! He now wears it anytime he rides baby jackl, which is usually how he travels from the living room to the kitchen.

When he gets off of his bike he gently places the helmet on the back rest of his seat, just like dada does on his. Monkey see, monkey do!
Monkey hear monkey say too - a few days ago a flock of birds swarmed in front of Melvin and Austin said 'dog gone birds!' And we now have a new phrase! When sand fell out of Williams shoes in Melvin yesterday he said 'dog gone sand!'
Sunday we took William to My Museum, the Monterey children's museum. It's another one of the things everyone told me we 'must' do while here. It was a cute little museum. The different areas are supposed to represent pieces of Monterey bay life so there was a boat in 'water' with rocky formations around, a golf course, a farm, and of course the, ambulance, fire truck, etc.

This creates a big bubble around you as the pully pulls up the ring. William loved it when the bubble got as high as his hands.

Oh, and yes he is wearing shorts, Thomas boots, and a sweater. He's 2, and I refuse to fight everything!
My personal favorite area was the craft station. They had bins of recycled scrap to use to create your own masterpiece. It is a little advanced so William needed my help with the hot glue, but I just took his instructions an this is what he created:

Pretty cute little car huh? I want to go back just to make more fun stuff! (junk, according to Austin, but I say it's treasure)
His new phrases that he's learning to use in conversation are:
I think so
No, I'm not
I don't think so
So sometimes if I ask him 'can you let Layla inside?' he will answer with 'I think so'. Works right? But he's still figuring it out - other times I'll say 'what 2 cars are you taking to bath?' and he'll say 'I think so!'
No, I'm not is more entertaining. It can be an answer to anything. 'are you sleepy?' 'do you want to ride in Melvin?' 'what should we eat for dinner?' - he's still fine tuning, but I love his little phrases.
We have another event-free weekend which means we will likely spend all our time entertaining William. Aquarium? Museum? Pool? Park? Quite possibly all of the above! Stay tuned :)
- manda
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