Jul 31, 2009
Why not 2 in one day?
My friend Kyle emailed me earlier with 2 CNN links to share with me. I love these emails from Kyle. He frequently checks the news online and whenever he sees an article he thinks I may enjoy he promptly emails it to me. Its like I have my own CNN filter.
Anyhow - he sent this one to me last night...
He also added his own opinions on the matter. #1 Obama is drinking the sissiest beer of them all. (I agree completely.) #2 Obama is drinking a beer not brewed in America. shouldn't that be illegal for the president?
Thanks Kyle :) I would also like to add that, while I would not have stepped foot in the White House if I were Officer Crowley, I admire his choice in beer and if I could enjoy a cold one right now - that'd be my choice too!
One in particular: I had no idea how frequently you are supposed to replace your tires. I'm not sure if my parents replaced theirs as often as you're "supposed" to or not, but I don't remember EVER having to go to the tire store with them to buy new ones.
Last year when Austin was in Iraq I had to buy new tires for my trailblazer. Kaila had accidentally gotten a flat tire, and when she had it taken off and looked at for repair they noticed that it had significant wear on the inside, showing signs of bad alignment. So when I flew up to Denver to visit Kaila in the spring I went to buy new tires. As I tell this story, please remember that Austin had just officially left the US about 2 weeks prior (though we had been apart for 2 months) so I was a little on edge. He had looked online and found a few tire places that looked like they were having good deals, and he picked one for me to go to. So, off to Tires Plus I went. I knew tires were expensive, but I had always been told to replace tires in 2 so I was prepared to replace the flat and its opposite front tire. I also planned to have the alignment checked, which I thought for sure was $20-$30. When the tire-person explained to me that on 4wheel drive vehicles it is bad for the drive train if the tires aren't worn the same, and that because my other tires were so worn down it would potentially damage the drive train causing a $5000 repair bill later, he recommended I buy all 4 tires...and when he told me that the alignment check was $90..I burst into tears. I know I told you before that emotional outbursts aren't my thing - but come on, my husband had just gotten to Iraq and I was out of my element and being told I needed to spend near $600...cut me some slack. The tire representative looked like he hadn't seen a person cry in his entire life, and he wasn't quite sure what to do with me. I then proceeded to verbally vomit all over him "My husband is in Iraq and I have no way of contacting him and, to be honest and not to be rude, I don't even know if you're being honest with me. I know nothing about cars, nothing about tires...this is his job and he should be here to do it." In hindsight, I think exposing my vulnerability may have been a poor choice, but it ended up working out in my favor. He looked around his desk area for a minute, then pulled out an invoice. He said "I'd like to show you this. This is the invoice for the tires that we order from the manufacturer. Here are the tires that you are looking at - we spent $80 per tire. The current price we are selling them at is $125 per tire, but I'd be willing to sell them to you for $90 because your husband is serving our country." I decided that if he was being honest enough on the tires, then he probably wasn't jerking my chain on the need for 4 rather than 2 (plus, the other 2 were pretty worn anyway so they'd need replacing soon too right?) SO - a box of Kleenex and $480 later, the trailblazer had new shoes. OH - the alignment - it was off less than half a percent on just that one tire. The tire-person (I really wish I had a better name for him) told me that such a slight variance like that was likely there since we purchased it and over the course of 3 years it wore the tire down. Made me feel a LITTLE better - I was starting to feel like I must be falling asleep at the wheel and hitting curbs and pot-holes or something. And it ended up being good that the tire that had a flat happened to be that particular tire, otherwise we'd never have really known right?
Well, now, a year and a few months later, its time to buy tires for Austin's truck. Bigger truck = bigger price. yippee. I told him I would take care of it while he was in California if he just picked out the tires online so I knew exactly what he wanted. He is currently en route back home, probably about an hour away, and I don't have the tires yet. Oops. I called Discount Tire this morning and they are getting them for me, then they'll call and let me know when they're ready for me to come in. I am much more comfortable in this tire-buying process this time as we've done the research, Austin has explained to me exactly what we need - and the real issue calming me nerves: he's not in Iraq. So I'm actually somewhat excited to drive up into the mountains tonight and break in his truck's new shoes!
But then it dawned on me, as I was looking at the tires online: after-market (is that the right term even?) tires have a 50,000-60,000 warranty, depending on the tire. I think TB's tires are 50K. I've already gone about 25K on them. I would estimate that I'd finish out the life of these tires in about 2 more years - so you're telling me the life of tires, with how much I drive, is 3-4 years? These things are starting to be a pain.
Lets go back to the horse and buggy days. How much could horseshoes possibly cost to replace? Hopefully less than $800 every 4 years.
I told Austin that because my TB's new shoes only cost $480 and his will tip over the $800 mark, that means that my personal shoe-closet is in need of a $300 overhaul. He didn't seem to make the connection, and wasn't very entertained either. Oh well, its fun to think about. At least my shoes look cute on my feet!
Jul 30, 2009
Perception is Everything
When I got to their place I was pouring pancake batter into the pans and Jodi said "Amanda you look SO skinny. and you're pregnant - that's awesome" I just laughed. Skinny is the LAST thing I feel like. I don't feel like a whale or anything - and good thing since I'm only 10 weeks along - but I certainly don't feel skinny. I accepted the compliment and we moved on to talking about more important things...like Jodi kindly letting me know that my pancakes are small and she would like a big one please. The last pancake I made was the size of the pan - and I'm proud to say it was too big for her to finish.
Ok I'm lost here - am I talking about pancakes or skinniness? Ah yes - the perception of skinniness.
I'm too small for maternity clothes, I'm too big for most of the pants I was wearing 2 months ago (or one week ago for that matter) so I'm stuck in between. Most online "experts" will say just to buy clothes a size or 2 too big and let that be your wardrobe until you are officially big enough for maternity pants. So, I thought I was pretty fortunate to already HAVE plenty of pants one and two sizes up from my pre-pregnancy weight loss. Wonderful! Except - those "experts" failed to mention that your legs will look like they are in clown pants and you will have no resemblance of a rear-end. I know lots of people live their whole lives with no resemblance of a rear-end (poor souls!) but I've never been lacking in that department - so its a little odd to look back there and just see extra fabric sagging all over the place.
So -to the moms out there - when will I be able to actually embrace a belly and wear maternity clothes? (that's a real question, not rhetorical)
And - I just have to make a brief mention of this - anyone see/hear about the "issue" with Obama and the police officers who acted "stupidly"? If it weren't at the detriment of our country, I'd say that I'm thoroughly enjoying watching the train wreck as it happens. But I guess since it is at our detriment, I'm only slightly enjoying it :)
Jul 28, 2009
Shrimp Face!
Then comes the shrimp face. I can feel my whole face shrink up, my eyes squint closed, and my lips pucker out as I try to digest the shrimp without hurling it back at the brilliant person who suggested I try it, yet again. People usually get just as much pleasure out of my shrimp face as they would have if I had actually said "Wow, that's really good!" Sometimes I think we could just fore go the tasting session and I could just make the face.
Anyway - got off on a little tangent there.
So the shrimp face. I know what it feels like and as much as I try to fight it, it happens anytime I taste food that is just awful. So this morning I was a bit surprised to feel the shrimp face coming on as I bit into my egg/sausage/potato breakfast burrito. Only difference is - I like those. I've made them a thousand times, and since I was actually punctual this morning I thought I'd make one today. I didn't get nauseous or have to go purge the craziness out of my stomach or anything - but it just tasted awful. Weird fluke I thought, maybe my taste buds just don't have a taste for eggs right now.
For lunch I had leftover chicken peppers - one of Austin's favorite dishes that I make(and I'm a pretty big fan of it too). I made it on Sunday, but the bad part about making it is that I'm eating the leftovers for weeks. I'm ok with leftovers ... sometimes ... and I"m ok with eating something twice in one week, but to eat it 3-4 times within a span of 5 days...that's a lot. So at lunch time, when my shrimp face re-emerged, I wasn't sure if it was because now my taste buds apparently have something against chicken, or if my stomach was just saying "Oh really? this again?" Either one - the shrimp face has now presented itself twice in one day.
I think I'd rather crave pickles and ice cream than dislike foods that I typically DO like. Because its hard to know at 7:30 am what my taste buds will or won't like at lunch that day. I haven't craved pickles and ice cream, in case you are wondering, though Austin did offer me some ice cream to go with my pickle the other day. Very funny.
At this point I'd like to insert a picture of the shrimp face - but sadly, I don't have one. So you'll just have to use your imagination, or convince me to eat shrimp one day.
Jul 27, 2009
Fearfully & Wonderfully Made
Then this morning I was on facebook (so maybe the 2 are connected after all) and a friend had posted a blog of one of HER friends, asking that anyone who prays take a moment, read the blog, and pray for her friend's 9 month old son who is hospitalized and not doing very well. As I read that person's blog, catching bits and pieces of their son's 9 month struggle with heart problems, I kept thinking back to the verses that my mom asked me to share. So it seemed fitting that today I would incorporate the two.
Psalm 139 (highlighted verses were especially applicable for my mom)
O LORD, you have searched me
and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.
You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"
even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake,
I am still with you.
If only you would slay the wicked, O God!
Away from me, you bloodthirsty men!
They speak of you with evil intent;
your adversaries misuse your name.
Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD,
and abhor those who rise up against you?
I have nothing but hatred for them;
I count them my enemies.
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
When I used to ask expectant parents if they preferred a boy or girl and their response would be "It doesn't matter as long as its healthy" I would think "well, that's a bit closed minded wouldn't they love their baby no matter what?" But now I've learned that it isn't a matter of whether or not they would love their baby - it was the deep love they had for their baby already that caused them to want a healthy baby. It wasn't because they didn't want the "hassle" of a sick baby, it as that they loved their baby so much they didn't want their baby to be in any sort of pain. My prayers go out to this little baby Stellan, his parents, and his doctors. God has Stellan's days planned and numbered, and has since before he was even conceived, so I just pray for their peace and his comfort as God's will - whatever it may be - is done.
My prayers also extend for the health of my own growing baby. May my baby grow strong, and may I make the best choices as far as how to care for my own body (thus his/hers) so that organs and tissues and other body forms may come along properly. Surely I will love whatever child God blesses me with - I already do - but I pray that my child would be free from pain and suffering.
And one last prayer (request) for today: My cousin, Jesse Poplawski, is serving a tour in Afghanistan right now. Jesse was a soldier the day he was born- growing up Jesse was always wearing camoflauge, always talking Army games and exploring. He is loving having the opportunity to do exactly what he's always felt he was called to do - but that doesn't change the challenges and dangers that he faces every day. The past 3-4 days I've thought about him more than usual. I wasn't sure why, but I knew that if I was thinking of him I should be praying for him. This morning I received an email from my aunt that the danger is heating up a bit, and as Jesse is faithfully doing his job, he has asked for as much prayer as possible. So - if any of you pray, if you could add my cousin to your prayers I would appreciate it - he would appreciate it.
Happy Monday to you! (as happy as a Monday can be)
Jul 24, 2009
How much chocolate is too much?
They say cats train people - but I think dogs train people just as much. It didn't take long for us to learn that the trash can has to be enclosed...a trash can with a lid is not sufficient. So, we bought a pull out trash can from Lowe's and it is installed in one of the cabinets (and as I think about it - its so much nicer than having it either in the pantry near all your food, or out in the open...trash is just smelly!) It also didn't take us long to learn that Layla LOVES bread. all types of bread. I don't really have to stop at bread though - Layla just loves food. It took us awhile to realize that no matter how far back on the counter we pushed our food, no matter how much we tried to barricade it or disguise it - she would find it. I wish we had a camera in the kitchen so I could SEE her get it, but we don't so I can only imagine her standing on her back legs and reaching her front legs around the food, then knocking it onto the floor. Austin would like to think she solicits the help of Reagan, because Austin thinks everything should be Reagan's fault, but I think Layla flies this one solo.
So, for the most part we are well trained not to leave food out. It can get annoying sometimes, especially if its something that doesn't need to be refrigerated and we don't need to store in the pantry. Occasionally, though, we forget - and Layla reminds us every time.
This past weekend Addie and I made "chocolate chip cookie brownies" You can find the recipe on the betty crocker website if you're interested - and if you like brownies at all, trust me - YOU'RE INTERESTED. they are delicious. extremely rich, so be prepared to share, but they are sooooooo good. (i don't even care for brownies that much) Also - if you have any guilt associated with what you eat...you might want to sit this dessert out. It's just fat layered on fat, mixed with a bit of water, and layered on fat. But - one or two little bites never hurt anyone right?
When Layla had 2 PLATES full, I think it hurt her though. Austin went home for lunch yesterday and re-heated some leftovers (like a good boy, so I wouldn't have to. I'll eat leftovers, they're just not my favorite...thats a story for another day though) He pulled the brownies out of the microwave, then must have forgotten to put them back. So when I got home from work last night, Layla informed me she had done something wrong.
There are theorists who believe dogs don't know when they've done something wrong, or that they don't remember. But they do. It doesn't matter how long its been since she's committed the crime, when we get home she lets us know with her body language that something isn't right. Sometimes it takes longer than others for us to find the evidence and see what she's done wrong (like 2 weeks ago when she stuffed the last of the brisket in the chair cushion...perhaps saving it for later) but yesterday I noticed the shredded up Styrofoam plate immediately. There were 3 plates, but one plate was upside down with all the brownies still in it, so either she ran out of energy or she couldn't rip that one to shreds - but she did manage to enjoy 2 plates full. Its hard to really punish her - after all, we're the ones who have been trained not to leave food out right?
So far, I think she's ok. She threw up, which the vet said is good because she's able to get it out of her system on her own, and she's gone to the bathroom a lot. She also drank 2 bowls of water, which the vet said will just make her more sick but she thinks it'll make her feel better. Overall, there's not much we can do except watch for signs of toxicity (may help if I knew what those signs are!) and just let it pass. It took a week before she was back to normal after enjoying 5-7 pounds of brisket - wonder how long the brownies will take.
A side note I'd like to add: she always licks the plates/pans clean - and she has yet to break one!
All this talk about food reminded me that I forgot to bring lunch, and I forgot that I need to eat by 11:30 before baby tells me he/she is hungry...now its 11:50. I better go.
Jul 23, 2009
Pregnant Brain
At the time I wasn't sure how much I bought into the pregnant-brain theory (though she's not the first I'd heard it from). But now - I buy it.
I was emailing with Alexis this morning and she mentioned that she is having trouble focusing at work, hence all the emails, but focus isn't a problem for me so what's my excuse? I said I am pregnant - that's excuse enough. I went on to explain that I had overslept this morning, forgot to eat breakfast or pack a lunch, forgot my water, forgot to take my medicine so I had to turn around and go back for it, then when I got to work I realized I'd forgotten Austin's dress pants that he has to wear to work tomorrow that I was supposed to have pressed. I felt it was necessary to explain why I didn't have any of my medicine with me, because typically I have a "first aid kit" in my purse for times like that. However, my purse for the day is too small to fit my first aid kit so I had to leave it behind.
So, I may forget to brush my teeth or forget to EAT - but my priorities are in line, I assure you. Because I have yet to forget to make sure my purse matches my outfit.
I better go eat lunch before I forget.
Jul 22, 2009
Luckily it has only happened once, but it was enough to have me furious.
One morning last week I woke up with a bit of a stomach ache. I haven't really had any morning sickness, the only issue I've come across is occasionally being queasy from an empty stomach; the quick cure is eating right away. Our morning routine usually goes like this: Austin goes to PT and I either go to the gym, walk the dog, do yoga, or stay in bed lazily. By the time he's home from PT I *should be* ready for work, and we sit down and have breakfast together before I leave. Sometimes its cereal, sometimes I make eggs and pancakes and sausage (usually on the days I didn't stay in bed like a lazy person - those are the days I'm actually punctual!) So this particular morning Austin offered to just bring me breakfast before I got ready for work. He didn't have PT this morning, so after he brought me a bowl of cereal he started to get back into bed. I looked at him and said "aren't you going to have cereal?" "no, I'll just eat later"
BURST INTO TEARS. "but i wanted you to eat with me" Austin stares at me blankly. Emotional outbursts aren't common for me - actually they never happen. I get emotional, I'm not saying I have a heart of stone - but outbursts just don't happen. He wasn't quite sure what to do!
But before he could run down and get his own breakfast, I was so frustrated that I was actually CRYING over BREAKFAST that I refused to allow him to eat with me. I don't know if I was proving to myself that it wasn't worth crying over, or if I was proving to him that he could eat whenever he wanted...but we both sat there a bit stunned and unsure of how to take the whole situation.
I'm sure that won't be my last bout of irrational crying. Was definitely uncharted territory for me - and thought you (especially mom) would enjoy finding me out of my usually-logical element.
Jul 21, 2009
Let the Nesting Begin
Jul 20, 2009
Peanut Butter & Avocados (and other pregnancy updates)
8.5 weeks along and so far - so good! In fact, peanut butter has been my saving grace on days when I haven't eaten enough yet and need to shove down some calories before my baby revolts inside of me. I've enjoyed (probably way too many) Ritz crackers with peanut butter...and so far, I'm still in LOVE with avocados :)
Ranch dressing has a funny taste, which is slightly disappointing, but I'll take that and keep my other 2 any day!
Other than the joy of peanut butter, I haven't really had much going on in the stomach-department. I'm pretty thankful for that! I've been extremely fatigued, but I'd much rather need a daily nap than be hugging my toilet. So - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next couple of weeks until the first trimester is over.
I've been waiting and waiting to blog about this, so I've got more stuff stored up in my brain - will have to just write when I can :) That's all the news for today!
Jul 7, 2009
Happy One Month Anniversary!
One month ago Austin and I flew to Houston to be a part of Brandon and Dana's wedding. Their wedding was a true example of a wedding being unique to the bride and groom, and that when you put your own personality into it, the wedding will truly resemble you.

After the ceremony Dana's aunt hosted a reception in her backyard - and she did SUCH a great job! She had thought of so many little details to take it from your average backyard BBQ to a well planned and coordinated reception. The plastic-ware was wrapped together at each seat by red ribbon with a silver heart trinket attached, and there was an Astros napkin at every table. The flower arrangements were beautiful, and if they weren't professional then someone really had a gift of arranging! The best part, as far as her creativity goes, was the food. Not only was it delicious, but each item had a name plate next to it (which in itself was a brilliant idea) and the names were all baseball-themed somehow. The only one I remember was the little sluggers' bites, which were corn dog bites...but the names were along those lines.
Brandon had asked me to give a toast, which is not really my forte. I have no problem writing toasts...maybe I could go into a business of it someday...but saying it is where I struggle. I think I rehearsed my toast about 10 times in my head while pretending to be having conversations with people at the reception :) But - here it is - I pulled it off :)
All in all, it was a really nice wedding and I was so glad that they decided to celebrate exactly the way they did. Congrats on one month! :)