Feb 8, 2011

Ok, I Admit It

At some point on Sunday my Aunt Mandy and Dana were sitting at my kitchen table analyzing this season of the Bachelor. Normally I would tune this conversation out in the way that I tune out conversations about basketball or Jersey Shore or Obama or anything else that sparks no interest for me. But, when Mandy noticed I was leaning my ear that way she asked, "Do you watch?"

My whisper showed my shame as I had to reply "This season, yes. But come on people I am alone at home with nothing to do!" Clearly Mandy and Dana are not closet fans, but seeing as I have only watched 2 seasons ever, one because I knew a contestant, I am not a loud-and-proud kind of fan.

I'm also not a loud-and-proud fan because the show IS RIDICULOUS. Seriously, If I could emphasize that word any more I would. The bachelor, Brad, picks these wonderful dates to take women on and miraculously each date has a woman who is "deathly afraid" or has some sort of personal issue with an event related to that date. What are the odds? How did luck have it that Michelle, aka scared of heights, was on the repelling date while Ally, aka afraid of critters, was on the cave walk with bats and spiders and the works? Or how is it that Sweet Emily was on the date where they drove nascars around the track that her late fiance ended his driving career on? The odds are just not that great.

Then throw in the drama. The women who continuously say "its just so HARD to see you with all these other girls!" Hmm, really? This is why monogamy is widely practiced. This is why true love is found less than 10% of the time on this show. This is why YOU DON'T DATE A MAN WHO IS DATING 20 OTHER WOMEN.

Or the women who say "She's just not right for you" Hmm, haven't you known him for all of 10 weeks? What do you know?

Or the times when Brad says, "I just love being with Chantel. It just feels like every day real life and that's what I'm looking for." Hmm, if so - Brad, you have the best life ever. If "every day real life" consists of dinners on the beach and random trips to Costa Rica, then running through the rain to a romantic hotel room already prepared for said rain then why the heck are you still looking for a woman? My guess is you could have found one a looooong time ago.

Point being, its ridiculous. More ridiculous than the show, though, are my eyes during the show. Glued. I can't seem to turn away from the train wreck that is Brad's quest for love. It's like driving down the road during near white-out conditions but keeping your eyes glued to the cars stuck in the ditch. Really, if you watch too long you may join them. Or you may hit the semi truck in front of you. OR you may slide through the red light. You never know, but you just can't peel your eyes away.

One scenario, eyes on Brad, was me last night. The other scenario, eyes on disaster, was me this morning as I slow-crawled my way to work.

Glad to be here!

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