Feb 9, 2011

Perpetual To-Do's

Does everyone have a perpetual to-do list? I am a list-oriented person, so I do realize my lists are probably a little more obsessive than most people's. But I have my work to do list, my personal list, my William list, grocery list, my "to do before Austin leaves" list...and each list is never ending. Each list carries a high dollar amount too as there always seems to be something to buy. Very frustrating. Then I add 2 things for every 1 I cross off it seems. It's exhausting! How do people do it? Most of my lists are in my head too, which can get tiring. I have to pull up a "template" in my brain and see where I am on my to-do list. Then I write them down 100 times on 100 different pieces of paper, type them in my phone, text them to Austin...I have lists everywhere.

I think maybe my love for lists has made the to-do more perpetual. You think? Maybe if I would STOP writing them down 100 times and STOP making the list-making process more complicated than the execution of said lists it would be more efficient? Hmm. Sometimes I make an attempt at reigning myself in in this manner. For instance, I got this cute little army notepad to keep in my purse and it was going to be my everything notebook. Everything would be in one place, I'd carry it with me at all times, and I'd ONLY write things in there.

But, after a month or so I'm back to sticky notes and notes on my phone and texts to Austin and...

Yep, back where I started. This isn't my first failed attempt, and surely won't be my last.

My current personal to-do list has 19 items I believe. That's the most daunting for sure, and also the list that gets put on the back burner for any other list at any point in time. Work has slowed, which helps. My William list isn't too long, and I did knock out 3 things yesterday without adding any so that was fun. The before-austin-leaves list will be short lived as he leaves in 10 days (I hope you are dropping your jaw in shock because I am) So maybe things are winding down? Let's hope so. I need wind-down time in order to knock out some of my stuff because my stuff sits there for too, too long. I view my lists like I view the laundry: I just want there to be a moment in time when I have nothing. No dirty laundry and no outstanding tasks. Even if that moment in time is only for 2 seconds, it would be the most refreshing 2 seconds ever.

Oh - and I have a date with a postal worker coming up pretty soon. I have things to send to my mom, addie, brittany's kids (these are almost 2 months late and they were JUST at my house and I failed to just hand them to them) and Brittany and then I need to get Austin's first package ready...yep, me and Mike are gonna be buds.

SO - the point of all of this rambling is - do you have perpetual lists? If so, how do you manage? If not...um...how in the world do you manage?


  1. Ahh lists -- fun lists, naughty lists, present lists, chores lists. Woman I had them all! I, like you, have a list addiction. I know you haven't admitted to the problem yet but you are almost there. I have almost stopped doing lists. Shocked? Yes? Michael had a big hand in that. He said that the list made me more stressed because I was always making them and looking at them. I said, No! I love them!. He said why don't you try it without them. hmmm interesting. OK I'll bite because I love you that is the only reason. So I began my journey of no list. I will be honest - it was bad; Now I might jot down something on a post it so I don't forget when I get home but that is it. I have a pile of stuff at home to do that stays there instead of being carried around with me perpetually. I have a stack at work. It is nice - and I think I am less stressed because of it -- but I will certainitly not admitt that to Michael!

  2. hmm, I am lost on how the piles of stuff not getting done are less stressful than the lists...

    but I will trust that its working for you ;) and maybe one day give it a try myself.
