Feb 1, 2011

My Big Brother

I was born into, and blessed immensely with, a family with 2 older brothers. When I was born Brian's favorite thing to do was poke my eyes out (or attempt to) and the abuse and torture continued for 14 or so years. Brandon, however, was excited to have a little sister. He was protective of me and I have seen quite a few pictures of him kissing me on the forehead while Brian is off doing his own thing.
**important to know, here, that the subject of said pictures is always brandon. not sweet, beautiful, precious baby amanda. my birth year is full of chronicles of Brandon's life. ah, the life of the first born. william is a lucky duck isn't he?**

Brandon and I have had our ups and downs, but one thing that has always been prevalent between the two of us is a great love and connection. I am so thankful for the bond that we have shared and the relationship we've had since we were little kids. He's has such a bold personality and a deep passion for whatever it is that he is focused on, so looking to him as an example helped me to reach for my own goals. I only wish I could have the fire inside of me for aspects of my life that Brandon has for his.

Almost two years ago Brandon and Dana got married and he asked me to give a toast at his reception. Because I feel like I said everything best there, I will post that here for his birthday post. I know, its cheating. But, as the saying goes, if it ain't broke don't fix it - so why should I try to recreate? Happy birthday to my very old brother in his 30's :) Love you!

As most of you know, I am Amanda Wallis – Brandon’s sister. Growing up I was so blessed to have two wonderful older brothers, but my relationships with each were very different – and my relationship with Brandon was always the more affectionate one. On many occasions Brandon even helped me get ready and did my hair before my dances, while all Brian tried to do was scare boys away!

Over the last eleven years Brandon has had some personal struggles beginning with the loss of our dad and a long road that took him from there to where he is now. For the past year or so, though, Brandon has made progress in his recovery and I can’t share with you the joy it brought me to hear a piece of what I call the “old Brandon” through the excitement in his voice last fall when he called and said “Guess what? Dana is my girlfriend!” I’d also like to share a new joy I felt when Brandon and Dana were in Denver visiting my husband and me for Thanksgiving. At one point Brandon was in a mood for some reason and Dana simply looked at him and said “Brandon, snap out of it”

So, for bringing out that old charm and joy in Brandon, I can only thank you, Dana. And for being strong enough and willing to stand up to him and put him in his place when need be – I’ll thank you for that too J

But if he ever asks to do your hair – go ahead and trust him, he does a pretty good job!

God said “It is not good for Man to be alone; I will make a helper who is right for him” Please join me in toasting Brandon and Dana as they have found a “helper” in each other and have begun their journey of marriage today.
To Brandon and Dana-

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