Jan 31, 2011

My Little Brother

Didn't know I had one did you? I do. I have a little brother that I proudly call my God brother. I know the term isn't recognized by..well...anyone...but I still use it. I was so excited when missjan and mr marty asked my parents to be Robert's godparents! Hello - a new baby for ME? OF COURSE. And although that's not exactly what they meant by asking my parents, that is definitely how I interpreted it. My. Own. Toy. Baby.

And boy was he CUTE! Until I saw William's face Robert by far won the prize for the cutest little boy ever. He was an adorable baby, a really cute toddler, AND a cute kid...most kids are lucky to be one of those but Rob struck all 3. He was just so cute I had to hug him and kiss him all the time! The kissing part became a game, as he thought girls were yucky and having one kiss him was just absurd. When he was about 15, though, the game became much more challenging for me. Hard to plant a wet sloppy one on someone almost a foot taller than you and a good 75 pounds heavier. I had to get sneaky!

Just like I talked about on Maizeanne's birthday, I spent a good amount of my time growing up with Robert. We went on the boat, spent most new years' eves together, met up at the Black Eyed Pea on lots of occasions - our families were together all the time. But just like Maizeanne, at some point in there he became more of my friend than my mom's friend's son. I am so incredibly proud of how he has faced life's obstacles with courage and strength - and that despite the pressures of adolescence he never lost sight of his faith. He is such a genuine person and I am so deeply proud to have been able to watch him grow from the precious, sweet boy into the big strong, yet still sweet, man that he is now.

I CAN NOT BELIEVE HE IS 20 THOUGH. It's more shocking to me that he's 20 than it is that I'm 26 or that I have a baby or that anyone else is the age they are, actually. I vividly remember him as a baby and now he's in his 20's?! UNREAL. I'm so excited for his college football career, and I am so excited for the turns his life will take over the next few years. It's only the beginning, and I'm waiting in anticipation to see how things pan out for Rob. I couldn't be more thankful for the little godbrother I have, and I really don't think I could be more proud of the person that he has become. From his days of bobbing apples and busting his teeth on Brian's head to now - it's been a joy to be a part of his life. Happy birthday Rob, hope college is nice to you today :)

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