Jan 27, 2011

William's Week

High Points:
He learned to high-5
Low Points:
The rest of the week.

My poor, poor bear has been sick. I blame it 100% on my work. You see, Paula was sick at work but couldn't take time off because we work for slave drivers. Because we are all exhausted, our immunities are all low and therefore most people in the office then got sick. Last Saturday I had the worst "cold" I've had in a long time. I was so dizzy I could barely walk straight, couldn't bend down to pick things up, etc. It wasn't good. So, come Sunday guess who wasn't feeling great? You guessed it, my little bear. :(

It started out just as a cold, but it was a bad cold. I know how bad because I was (and still am) experiencing it. But for him, it was worse because his little body had to fight that much harder. Then came the fever. Then Tuesday came the HIGH fever. By early yesterday morning the fever had subsided but his poor body was just worn out. Yesterday he slept like he was an infant; was only awake for 20 minutes at a time to eat very little and drink very little. In the later afternoon he did have a little spout of playfulness, then followed by another 2 hour nap. He slept most of the night, woke up 3 times but I was able to get him back to sleep pretty easily.

After 3 days at home (meaning 3 sick days for me at work) today he was well enough for day care. No more fever means no more quarantine, but he is far from "well". He was happy when I dropped him off and was excited to see his friend Ethan and Miss Kim, but the happiness didn't last long. At 9:00 they called asking me for suggestions to console him. :( They finally got him to sleep and I told them to let me know if he got unmanageable and I'd go get him. I feel so helpless and I just want to make it better. His poor little eyes look at me with such desperation, as if he's saying "mommy why can't you make this go away?" Worst. Feeling. Ever.

So that's how our week has gone. Yesterday felt like it should have been Friday...but not just tomorrow, NEXT Friday. That's how long the first 3 days were. Hopefully he is better before next Friday because, in case you've forgotten, my little boy turns ONE next Wednesday! What a wonderful William Wednesday it will be!!! :)

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