Jan 17, 2011

Low Maintenance Gals

I love my high maintenance friends. Let me just throw that disclaimer out there before I get all of their panties in a wad. I love them very much, in all of their maintenance needs. But sometimes (ahem, a lot of times) I'm very thankful for my fellow low maintenance ladies.

The key person here being Dusti.

Dusti is Kaila's sister, who you may remember a little blurb about during Kaila's birthday post. You may also remember the shout out to her for her willingness to watch William in a crunch last weekend. That's one of the best parts of low maintenance people - they don't need a lot of notice, don't require a lot of preparation - they just go with the flow.

Or maybe that's just one of the great parts about Dusti.

I first met Dusti when her sister invited me to Dusti's house warming party. I had never met Dusti, obviously, and had never been to her house but she was more than willing to have some strange Texans come crash the party. And crash we did. We had an awesome time and were so excited to finally have met some friends. Yes, that's right - I had determined long before Dusti had that she would be one of my friends. End of story. Face it, I was desperate :)

Desperation paid off again, though, because I lucked out in finding another fabulous friend. Dusti calls it like she sees it. She can be painfully honest, but isn't that a comfort sometimes? I'll never wonder what Dusti thinks of me, my new shirt, my weird husband or my adorable baby - cause she'll let me know, whether I asked or not. She's a friend in the truest form of the word and no matter how long its been since we've seen each other I know a few things will remain the same:
1. If she's having a holiday dinner at her house she'll always extend an invitation for me
2. If I need a babysitter on the shortest of notice when her kids both have basketball games and my child screams until his face turns red, she will be there for me regardless
3. If I ask her to "pass me a roll" I better have my hands open wide ready to catch it
4. If I ever feel discouraged that I haven't seen Jodi or Kaila repeat a pair of blue jeans(or not do their hair or forget makeup or in any other way look less than perfect), there is always one other person in the world with as few pairs of jeans as me.
5. If I post her birthday post late because I'm not a weekend blogger she won't be offended or mind, because that's how low maintenance gals are.

Happy late birthday Dusti, and sorry my work had me too tired to even imagine going out to celebrate the beginning of the end of your 20's. Guess I'll have to make a point all year to make it up to you. Love you long time!

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