Jan 19, 2011

William, We Have a Problem

I got unnerving letters from school on two different days last week. TWO! Can you believe it? And would you believe what they say? The first was a letter from Elise, the education director, informing us that William has reached certain milestones and is now ready to be moved up to the "zebra" room. Then the next day we got a letter from the teachers from the next room welcoming William, explaining the transition and what the routine in that room is like.


No way. He's not big enough! He doesn't walk well enough! He can't feed himself by hand well enough! He still needs a bottle! HE DOESN'T EVEN WEAR SHOES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

Ok, let me clue you into a little secret. Growing up, this was the worst time of year for me. Teacher change time. Every year I cried. And cried, and cried, and cried. Never mind that at some point one could possibly see a pattern. Never mind that my upcoming teachers were always awesome. Doesn't matter. I still cried obsessively because "I never EVER want to leave second grade!" (or third, or fourth...you get it) And apparently this didn't end in junior high when I finally grew up, it just went to sleep for awhile until I had a baby. And now "I never EVER want William to leave the lion cubs"

I just can't believe it's that time already. Just like everyone says over and over again, it all goes by so fast. I'm loving every minute and I love every stage as much as, if not more than, the stage before I just can't believe its actually time. I can accept it; he is big enough. He walks wonderfully and he feeds himself like a champ. He doesn't NEED a bottle and does very well with his sippy cup instead. And the shoes...well...we'll work on it. God is getting a good, deep belly laugh at the fact that I gave grief for years over babies needing shoes and as a result has given me a child who instantly rips them off. Ethan wears shoes. Helen wears shoes. Why can't William? Again I say, God is getting a good laugh.

That's the biggest news of the week. That, and we had a WONDERFUL weekend reconnecting with our little prince William. Who is, by the way, infinitely cuter than England's Prince William. FYI :)

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