Jan 12, 2011

William Wednesday

All day yesterday I felt like it was Thursday. The only thing that kept reminding me that it wasn't was the fact that I hadn't written about William yet. Thank God for WW right? I know you're just as pumped.

Other than the fact that I have the most wonderful baby in the whole entire world, I don't have a lot to report here. Nor a lot of time in which to report it. The past 7 days have been insanely hectic for me, and the end is still a few days away. William has been a rockstar and, although I can tell he's affected, he has been SO good with all the shuffling around.

I stomped my feet, like I promised I would, as I arranged for his care for the weekend. Friday night Paul's wonderful wife Janell (who was less than a week from delivering their second beautiful daughter - born this morning) picked him up at day care and watched him for the night. I picked him up at 9:00 and we drove down to Colorado Springs to be with daddy. you should have seen the excitement as William leaped out of his car seat into Austin's arms. He had been asleep for 2 hours and it was 10:30 pm, but he was ECSTATIC to see daddy. Saturday I dropped him off at Dusti's house and after the torture of having to walk out of the house with him screaming bloody murder, she said he was awesome. He was just sad to see me leave, but once I was gone he had a blast. When Austin picked him up Eric said, "dude you have the best baby ever". Yeah, we know.

Saturday night Austin left his truck at our house, I drove him back to Colorado Springs then Sunday morning drove back home. I was ready to scream I was so sick of driving, but little William was a trooper. Just chattered away in the backseat, shaking his head side to side, kicking the seat and laughing his precious little head off. His teacher's 16 year old daughter wanted to babysit him Sunday, so we met at our house and she stayed with him. Again, he was screaming his head off as I left. SO hard to walk away from. He was reaching both arms and a leg through the baby gate and his face was bright red like I was abandoning him forever. Broke my heart. But, again, apparently once I was out of sight he was back to playing with his bus and being happy. Sunday night Tiff came over to hang out and stayed with him when I drove to the airport to get Addie, so by Monday William was hell bent on being glued to my leg. I can't blame him, I had shuffled him from person to person and I was hardly to be seen. I felt awful, but all in all he was really good about it. And my friends were AMAZING to help. Really, amazing.

Addie and William are having fun this week and she's being great about sending me pictures every night. This morning I scrolled through my iPhone pictures of him twice...and there are nearly 200 pictures. That's how much I miss him, and how much i LOVE her sending me pictures. He got sick today at school so I had to leave for a bit to take him to the doctor and get him settled, but honestly - still the best part of my day. He just has a stomach bug and needs to lay off the sauce (formula) for a few days, other than that he's ok. Addie says he's still as playful as ever and even wore Layla out so bad that she was hiding from him! So, no little bug is gonna get my little bear down!!!

He's so incredible, if I forgot to mention that. It's funny how something that takes so much work and effort and time and energy and thought can be the only thing to keep me sane some days. But he really is! I'd wash bottles all night, every night in exchange for him and that kind of love. It's intoxicating!!!

I wish I could share more...maybe next week? here's to hoping.

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