I love that phrase: throw me a freaking bone. I don't love having to use it because it means that you're stretched so thin that your once blubbery belly may tear apart. But I do love the phrase.
I think I've mentioned that I'm a planner. So in my infinite wisdom about 5 seconds after I accepted the fact that Austin was going to be deployed I begun my planning. I have a very demanding job and at key points in the year I have to work insane hours. So, how does one do that as a single parent? I was on a mission to figure it out.
I came up with a plan. I would buy plane tickets for friends/family to fly up to Denver, feed them, house them, let them sleep in and relax while I take William to daycare, then have them pick William up and do his night time routine with him. This way I'm not having miscellaneous local friends trying to juggle their own lives and William. During less busy times I will rely on those friends, but when I have to work until midnight I need someone who doesn't have other obligations. Next step: find the most demanding times, get down on my knees and beg for favors.
I do not like asking for help. It's not beneath me or anything like that, I just don't like it. Especially when it comes to William. He is MY child. Not only is he MY responsibility, but being with him is what I WANT to do. I work to provide for him; I work to save for his college, clothe his precious little heiny, etc. But I did not have him to shuffle him between various other people while I slave away at work. There has to be a balance somewhere. So, asking for people to help me take care of my child isn't my favorite thing to do. However, I did it. I let me boss know that I would have someone fly up for one week during each of our provisions, which is 4 times a year, and then if other needs arise through the year I can make more arrangements. For now, its just those 4 weeks. She wasn't overly thrilled that I wasn't offering more, still isn't as a matter of fact, but I'm not thrilled that I'm offering anything. SO - it is what it is.
For this provision, the plan was as follows: provision starts on Thursday, but I won't be working late. Friday Austin would pick William up and be home for the weekend, I'd work as late as needed through the weekend. Addie is generously giving a week of vacation time to fly up here on Sunday evening and will pick him up throughout the week so I can be at work as much as they need me. Our goal is to be done by next Friday, but if we aren't we'll work Saturday and Austin/Addie would take care of William again.
Please, please keep in mind that I hate this plan.
Now, please close your eyes with me. Picture 2 beautiful, majestic rams. See their pretty horns curled backwards. Imagine them running across a field RIGHT AT EACH OTHER. Envision them ramming their heads against each other's over and over and over and over...yep, you get it. Now imagine that both of those rams have black and yellow hats on. One with the western union logo, one with the army logo. And that, my friends, is the best picture I can paint of how I feel right now. yesterday Austin called to let me know that he can't come home this weekend. ONE weekend Austin is working through his entire training. And it happens to be the ONE weekend I have to work. Like I said, throw me a FREAKING BONE!!!! is this a competition to see which job wins? Cause last time I checked, you can't tell the army no. So the army wins. Any questions?
My wonderful, beautiful, brilliant friend Dusti is going to help out in a huge way on Saturday and I haven't worked Sunday out. I will be stomping my feet as I do because I just don't want to have to work it out at all. So, this is me whining. I think I'm done now ;)
Aww I wish I lived closer because I'd so be there Sunday to help/play with William! So sorry girl you are having to juggle work & mommy time - my hat goes off to ya! No pun intended ;) xoxo