Jan 7, 2011

A Real Life

Reality TV can be so ridiculous, yet so awesome. It really gets to me.

American Idol makes me want to sing. So much so that if I'm in the house alone, sometimes I'll just start belting out touching, moving songs as if I'm performing. And as if I sound like Carrie Underwood.

Dancing with the Stars makes me feel like I, too, am light as a feather and could glide across my living room floor with my back arched and arms stretched wide.

Hoarders makes me want to clean. Obsessively.

The Bachelor...well, that is not reality. So it doesn't make me want to do anything but laugh.

And the Biggest Loser...that makes me want to hit the gym 10 times/day, eat nothing but fruits and veggies, and share my life story on why I was overweight with the whole world. Ok, not the last part, but the first parts for sure.

I hadn't ever seen the show before, but for some reason I decided this season I would start watching it. I'm really not sure what is enthralling about it or what makes it a good show...I mean you just watch people work out and watch their trainers yell. That's it. But its so motivating! It also makes me want to hug the trainers here at work for never yelling at me that way.

So, thank you reality TV for putting a fake spin on my real life. I am not carrie underwood. I am not Emmitt Smith. I am, thankfully, not vying for Brad Womack's heart, and I do not weight 500 pounds. But thank you for making me feel like I can be all of those things.

1 comment:

  1. BAHAHAHA! MEEE TOOOOO! Ben always makes fun of me because during the So You Think You Can Dance season I'm always pracing around the house as if I too could dance (can't). Fortunately I only to my top-drawer, Whitney Houston belting when he's out of the house, so he hasn't been able to make fun of me for that yet... :)
