Feb 9, 2011

William, Where is my Mind?


I literally JUST clicked "post" on my previous entry when it occurred to me that it isn't Tuesday, it's Wednesday. YIPPEE! Yippee because that means I get to see Austin in 2 days rather than 3, I get a weekend in 2 days rather than 3, and I get to write more about William. Wednesday is such a happy day.

Let's see - you already know about his fun birthday, his fun birthday weekend...in the last week really what else is there?

I think William gets his resistance to change from his mommy. His daddy is definitely more go with the flow, things are what they are, things happen and we adapt. Mommy is definitely "Change? No. You still propose change? Still no. You are going to change against my will? Ok, I'll just drag my feet and whine and cry and maybe you'll cave. You won't? Ok, after a few weeks of whining I'll give up." Yep, William has my outlook on that. Fantastic huh?

When I picked him up from school Miss Roland, one of his new teachers, told me that he had a WONDERFUL day! Because of the snow a lot of kids weren't at school and a few teachers were sent home as a result of that. He spent the morning with Miss Kim which I'm sure he enjoyed, but she said that once he came over to her room he was happy and comfortable, ate wonderfully, took a good long nap, and loved playing with the bigger-boy toys. She added that the only time he got upset was when he could see Miss Kim through the window. Sounds like my boy!!!

Kim and I were both very confused because he has been so good with a sippy cup since November, and Miss Cassie and Miss Roland both say he isn't great with it. I think the week he was sick caused a minor setback because he ONLY had a bottle of pedialyte, but prior to that he was drinking 3 cups per day and one bed time bottle. This weekend was hit or miss with the cup, so since our guests left I've been trying to give him his bedtime milk in a cup too just to solidify the transition. He resists at first, but I think after a few minutes he realizes its a cup or nothing. Yesterday, though, he apparently drank all 3 cups with no problem - so good for him!

I will also report that he is wearing shoes about 80% of the time now. I didn't have him wear shoes while our family was here because the only pair we have right now that fit him make him look like he lives in a different neighborhood, if you get my jist. My mom bought him a pair for his birthday so I hadn't bought him any more, but that pair is just a little too big. So Austin and I decided we'll buy him some for his birthday, but we have to wait until this weekend to get them. Gotta pick 'em out together!!! So, for now the options are cute shoes that are too big or ghetto shoes...

Today I opted for cute shoes :) All in all, though, he's walking much better in shoes than he was the first week we tried them and he doesn't fuss when I put them on or curl his foot into a little ball to avoid the shoe. The transition is almost complete.

I also committed myself to the fact that he is a zebra and in the zebra room each baby has a lunch bag with food brought everyday. I bought him a cute little elmo lunch bag and made him some carrots, cut up some grapes, and made him a little mini cheeseburger. What a big boy!!! So I no longer have to wash 5 bottles every night, but the trade off is packing a lunch every night. My days are so structured I feel like I'm in the military!!!

Oh and guess what William did for the first time during his birthday party? He gave me kisses!!! He's been all about hugs lately which of course makes me melt, but when he kissed me - it was the best thing ever. No other way to describe it. He kissed me on the cheek over and over and over. And you know what? I am the first person he's kissed!!! Yippee for mommy :)

Other than that and what you already know of his birthday, I think that sums up our week. William made some bonds this weekend and I hope that we can make it down to Houston soon enough so that he can reconnect with those people rather than start over.

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