Apr 19, 2011

America the Beauitful Cookies

What happens when you combine exhaustion with 4 dozen cookies and Dancing with the Stars American Tribute?

Some crazy dreams.

Last night I baked some cookies for Austin and for my coworker. If you've never had cookies made out of boxed cake mix, you are missing one of the best cookie experiences ever. I sent some to Austin a few weeks ago and the Batallion Commander ate almost all of them, then told Austin to make sure I send more. My coworker also profitted from my baking a few weeks ago and he was itching for more. So, I figured it was time. I made 2 batches and each batch makes roughly 2 dozen.

While I baked I had Dancing with the Stars playing in the background. It was by default as I've never gotten into that show, but it follows Wheel of Fortune so unless I purposely change the channel sometimes I hear it in the background. It was their American tribute night so the couples were dressed (somewhat) in patriotic garb and dancing to American classics like God Bless America and America the Beautiful. No one wore an Army dress uniform which I took as a personal offense, but Hines Ward did wear a Navy uniform so I was sure to tune in for his dance. Navy whites? Um, let's just say I wouldn't miss them. Next to the Army greens (which are going away as I shed a tear) the navy whites are my favorite. Anyway, I just listened mostly other than running in the living room to watch his dance. I listened, I sang along, I baked...a regular tribute to ol' Rosie the Riveter I'd say.

After the cookies were all packaged up, dishes done, and dancing over, I went to bed. I was exhausted!

I woke up at 3:45 this morning in a panic because of the dream I was having, although I don't really think it was panic-worthy. A group of friends and I were in Vegas for a going-away bash for our friends who are moving to Australia. We were meeting at the Bellagio restaurant where we were very frustrated with our waiter's tardiness. He quickly brought out our cuisine...we had each ordered a 10 inch pizza style COOKIE CAKE. Each of us. I wonder from where the cookie idea came...

After we all devoured our cookies we quickly went up to our rooms to get ready for a night out on the town. I realized that there were 2 men following us, and they happened to be the 2 brothers from the Ocean's 11/12/13 movies...the ones with all the miscellaneous small roles...and they had already captured Austin and were holding him captive in Afghanistan. (my imagination wasn't flowing here, apparently) Steff reminded me that First Sergeant was up in the penthouse and told me I should go warn him about the men so that they couldn't capture the rest of us. Apparently she and I thought he could prevent that or something.

So, I got off the elevator a few floors early and thought I'd take the stairs to throw them off. Somehow they knew, and they too exited and took the stairs. So, up 40 stories we went! They were well behind me as I was FLYING up the stairs. It was a big wooden spiral staircase and I was simply pulling on the handrails to soar to the top, no need for my feet to ever actually hit the stairs. When I got to the top I entered the room and everyone from dinner was already there having a big party. I walked in and started singing America the Beautiful. Midway through my knock out performance I realized I was singing the Star Spangled Banner, and then I closed with God Bless America...but it was all one song, not 3 separate songs.

Then the 2 brothers from the movies captured First Sergeant and said they were coming back for us all with an evil laugh.

That's when I woke up.

really? yep. that really happened. Wish I had a moral to the story, but I think the moral is that you either shouldn't bake 4 dozen cookies when you're tired or you should be sure to seal the night off with a shot of tequila to knock you out. Maybe not doing that was my mistake.

Happy Tuesday :)

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