Friday morning bright and early we headed to the airport. Because you already know of our flying woes from flight #1, I'll leave that part out. William did find that he loves pushing his stroller and now does it at home too!

His shy days and cling-to-mom days are behind him I think, either that or he's starting to recognize faces pretty well. He was instantly happy to see herb on the plane, Candace at the house and gene that night too. He had fun with all of them and with new cousins all weekend.

Herbs grandkids adored him and loved cuddling on the couch reading books and watching cartoons. As usual, William was only into cartoons for 5 minutes or so. He did like seeing Mickey though!
He had lots of fun with uncle gene. Maybe he recognizes him, maybe he looks like daddy, or maybe gene has a good knack for William I don't know. But william ran up to give him a hug every time he saw him!

Saturday morning we took him to the beach which was a new experience. In my head I assumed he would instantly love it, but he needed time to acquaint himself with it I think. His biggest issue was the sand. He did not like how it felt on his feet and didn't want any part of him to touch it at first!

Candace filled a bucket with water and brought it over for William to play with, which is how he eased himself into the beach experience. Soon he was throwing sand, running in water, splashing and having a good ol' time.

He was conked out afterwards!!!

And by the end of our sunday morning beach trip he didn't want to leave. I had to drag him out of the sand. Sunday Julia, his cousin, found a live starfish so we showed William the difference in the textures and he loved it. He was fascinated by the tentacles and he was sad when we set the starfish free.
Saturday night was the annual party/fundraiser for brain cancer and for the second year in a row it benefitted a young boy with a brain tumor. Because the boy loves motorcycles the party is kicked off by a bike rally which William found highly amusing.

After that he split his time between warming my heart

And warming herb's

We had a great time and hope we can go back again next year.
He reaffirmed his love for the outdoors, though, so this week every day after work he has informed me that it's time for a walk with layla. I suppose it's good for me :)
He's such an active little boy.
No rest for the weary.
I wish I knew where he got it.
- manda
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