Jun 30, 2011

It's birthday season

One year during move-in week in college my mom, Alfredo and I took a break from moving my stuff in at my new house to go see alexis's new apartment. I'm the type when I move in to get it all done and unpacked in one day, so we were nearly done and just needed a breather. We walked into her apartment and saw the prettiest most well put together person on moving day I'd ever seen. Instantly I begin thinking that I must have something up on this girl, just to make myself feel better, because who looks that good when moving boxes?

Then we talked for a few minutes and I noticed she had just as great of a personality. Again - on moving day!!! I feared I may lose Alexis forever :)

That was my first impression of jennie and in 6 years nothing has changed. She is always perfectly put together and has the perfect behavior and perfect attitude for whatever occasion. Whether we're out celebrating a 21st birthday at country bars or in a formal setting she knows how to present herself well!!!

Through living with alexis, Jennie and I became pretty good friends and we ended up working together at the coffee shop(remember my favorite job ever?) I realized after she graduated what it was that I liked so much about her: she embodied everything I strived to be, but she just always seemed to do it better. So she has always been a benchmark of what I'm reaching for. Whether it was test scores, her latest outfit when we went dancing at the Hall, her slim and trim physique at her bridal showers, how well she balances being a mom, wife, employee and student or just how thoughtful and giving she is - she does it all to a T. And how does she always manage to look so darn good doing it?!

She is always so generous and caring when it comes to our friendship and while I try endlessly to be as good to her as she is to me, I don't think I possibly could. I'm always taken back by her thoughtfulness and compassion.

I wish there was more I could do for her besides write a measly blog post, but for now it'll have to do. Hopefully in December Austin and I can make our way through San Antonio so I can finally meet her two handsome sons who have such a great mother.

Happy birthday Jennie - hope Jesse spoils you rotten :)

- manda

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