He has become more interested in the fisher price apps I have on my phone and iPad. I have my old iPhone that Austin keeps encouraging me to load up with kid apps and let it be william's. I have a slight concern with my not even 2 year old having an iPod (phone without the phone function) but then again I don't want him breaking mine either. And it's just sitting there not being used...so it makes sense right? He loves the 2 apps I have and I know there are more out there. One of the apps has a song that sings 'bye bye' at some point, and William instantly waved to the iPad and said 'bye bye'. I was never sure if he could understand what they are singing, but he can!!!
He also likes the sun roof in the truck. I made the mistake of opening it one day to try and distract him from throwing a fit, and ever since then he points to the sun roof once he's strapped in his seat, then he does sign language for 'please'. He has me trained. Then this weekend he added the windows to the drill. Boy was he mad Saturday when it was raining and he couldn't say 'please' enough to get me to open it!!!

He had a very fun boy-type weekend. Saturday morning I had some errands to run in preparation for a party on Sunday so steff and steve watched him. Steve turned on UFC and apparently he was enthralled. He especially liked the ground game and when they were rolling around trying to get each other in submission holds. Such a little boy!!!
After that we drove down to Colorado springs to see brian's new house. It's so nice! And he has it nice and decorated and all moved in. I was surprised! William thought the entire house was his jungle gym, which Brian fully supported. Brian was throwing him all over the bed and couch, tackling him, pushing him onto stacks of pillows - all sorts of fun boy rough housing. At one point William was on brian's bed and wanted to get down so he tried swinging his body over the foot of the sleigh bed. He wasn't prepared for his feet to dangle though and he had a look of sheer fear on his face. And that adrenaline sure did pump because he had the upper body strength to hold onto the bed, despite the slick round edge. He was holding on for dear life!!! Next time on the bed - no interest in getting too close to the edge.
He only has to do things once to learn! After we saw brian's house we went out to dinner. He loved dipping chips into the mild (basically pureed tomato) salsa and kept dipping his chip, sucking off the salsa, and dipping again. He saw Brian have some spicy salsa, though, and was determined that he wanted some. Finally I was done arguing and let him try it...like I said, he only has to do things once to learn. He hated it!!! Back to the mild salsa for him.
Sunday we had a farewell BBQ at our house for steve and Steff who are on their way to Australia. William LOVED all of the attention and I think he believed everyone was there for him. He had fun playing in the backyard and garage with anyone willing to play, and he bounced from person to person. Scott arrived a little late and he instantly lunged into his arms - like 'ok finally another new person for me!'. As always, he was all about the boys. Scott even taught him to push a little button on his toy screwdriver that makes it turn. I've tried for months, Scott tries for minutes. Whatever.
Monday after I got the house back in order and William and I had napped we went up to Fort Collins (a town not far from the Wyoming border where CSU is) to visit Chelsea and Kyle. We were just driving the stretches of I25 this weekend :) when I was packing the truck to go I wondered if I should bring toys and books to occupy him - silly me, who needs toys and books when you have a Kyle? They were buds! Kyle initiated all the playfulness so I get the feeling William was just a good excuse for him to climb on benches and roll in grass. Kyle also was sure to let William know HE was providing ice cream for dessert and fun times.

We had a great time and Kyle was nice enough to not hog William the WHOLE time.

William faked Chelsea out at one point - we were all amazed at his cognitive ability to know to run one way then fake her out and go the opposite direction. He was quite proud too :)
Last night I made grilled cheese and tomato soup, and I let William dip it himself rather than me doing it. He loved it! Just like the chips and salsa :) he also dips anything/everything in ketchup or BBQ sauce...I think dipping food in a sauce is just fun right now :)

He is still very interested in books but now HE wants to read them. He climbs in my lap and wants me to hold them, but I don't need to read and I can only flip the page when he's ready. Better yet, I should leave the page flipping to him. Who knew a page with 10 words could take 3 minutes of nonstop babbling?
His teachers write a memorable moment on hisdaily report and I always send Austin his daily news, so I was reading through this week's so see if I missed anything. Here are 2 cute moments:
William loved putting on our bucket hat this morning. He'd walk to the mirror, examine his reflection then strut around the room.
William loved bouncing on the wedge with Ethan this morning. They'd bounce, giggle, and even give each other high five's!
He's not a baby anymore - he's a full blown toddler...stinky feet and all!
- manda
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