Jul 13, 2011

William Wednesday

I thought this would be a short post - I mean since the last time i wrote I've only seen little bear for all of about 10 hours max. But more can happen in 10 hours than I thought!

Miss Cassie kept William all weekend while I was in north Dakota and it was so generous of her. I paid her so I'm not nominating her for am award for generosity or anything, but when I talked to her on Saturday afternoon I realized how much of a sacrifice it was. I am used to my weekends being dictated by a toddler and my schedule revolving around him. She's not though! So whatever she is generally used to doing she was willing to sacrifice for an entire weekend. Can you blame her though?

Sunday my flight was delayed a couple of hours so I was SO disappointed, thinking I'd miss out on seeing his face when I got to her house. Luckily her nephew was over having a little family bday dinner so William was too excited to sleep. When I pulled up and got out of the truck I saw Cassie holding William up to the window. Once he saw me he started pointing and laughing, trying to squirm from her arms. no front walkway ever seemed so long! I was so excited to see him, and it was clearly mutual :)

The past couple of nights we've had fun playing and my missing him has allowed his bed time to be tweaked a little :)

Monday night about 45 minutes after I had put him to bed I could hear a LOT of noise and was afraid maybe he had gotten out. I went to check and he was still in his crib, wide awake having a ball. He jumped up and raised his arms for me, so I picked him up. Then he grabbed doggie and laid his head on my shoulder. He hasn't let me rock him in almost 4 months so I was risking rejection when I sat in the chair, but he must have missed me as much as I missed him all weekend cause he just cuddled me until he fell asleep.

I rocked him for an hour. You know, just to be sure the snoring was real.

- manda

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